userBill Bcancel

1,542 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.04cph!

3 Years Ago
Minor test map edit
3 Years Ago
Minor edit
3 Years Ago
Don't allow firing torpedoes at all if the sub isn't in the water
3 Years Ago
Improved torpedo projectile behaviour, handle edge case environments. Some refactoring.
3 Years Ago
Fix subs getting kicked back by the colliders on torpedoes
3 Years Ago
Timed explosive prjectiles can now supply a different explosion for when underwater. Hooked it up for torpedoes.
3 Years Ago
Add effect recycle to explosion_underwater_surface
3 Years Ago
Hooked up torpedo explosion effects. Told the main effect not to loop.
3 Years Ago
Added Hidden/TerrainEngine/Splatmap/Diffuse-AddPass to always included shaders list
3 Years Ago
Mark driver as hostile when firing a torpedo
3 Years Ago
Added extra world colliders for the duo sub feet, so it sits on land more nicely
3 Years Ago
Don't allow subs to descend when out of fuel, but do still allow them to rise
3 Years Ago
Add audio for the ammo flag flipping state
3 Years Ago
Fixed helicopters bouncing from ground hit damage
3 Years Ago
Added nice bounce easing for the duo sub ammo flag
3 Years Ago
Torpedo ammo flag is no working, though it could do with a bouncy animation
3 Years Ago
- If a trigger is disabled, early exit in OnTriggerEnter. OnTriggerEnter still fires on disabled scripts because Unity. - Remove unused SkipOnTriggerEnter method.
3 Years Ago
Disable duo sub pontoon parent triggers since they make it hard to climb on from the water
3 Years Ago
Disable parent triggers on the sub if they go underwater.
3 Years Ago
Merge FixSubmarineStability->Main. Hopefully this should vastly improve submarine stability and control on real servers.
3 Years Ago
- Bring back ArtificialHeight override for the subs, was getting bouncing again with the new system + less raycasts this way - If ArtificialHeight is set, now skipping GetBuoyancyWaterInfo
3 Years Ago
Remove TODO, it's done
3 Years Ago
Surface much more slowly after the five minute timeout
3 Years Ago
Don't have subs surface immediately after dismount. Wait five minutes.
3 Years Ago
Made player corpse ragdolls less buoyant
3 Years Ago
Reduced the deepUnderwater buoyancy raycast to 5m (performance, shouldn't need more)
3 Years Ago
Removed old buoyancy fix
3 Years Ago
Fix updating buoyancy on client
3 Years Ago
Merge moonpool_buoyancy_fix->main
3 Years Ago
Buoyancy edits
3 Years Ago
▌▍█▍▉██ ▊▆▅██▋▇ ▉▍▉▄ ▅▇▌ ▋▇█ ▅▉▊▌ ▍▆▊
3 Years Ago
▋▇▄▉▊▊▉ ▊▄▇▍▌▇▇ ▅▋▊▋▄▉▊ ▆▄ ▋▍▆ ▌▉█
3 Years Ago
Stop window film water drops always playing when the player first mounts a sub
3 Years Ago
Adjust colliders to match Tom's updated pontoons
3 Years Ago
Only play windscreen water drops when moving
3 Years Ago
Extra checks for accessing torpedo container
3 Years Ago
Fixed MixerSnapshotManager constantly throwing NREs at the main menu due to no AmbienceManager instance
3 Years Ago
Merge save215->main
3 Years Ago
Cherry-pick submarine buoyancy fix, save215->Main
3 Years Ago
Fixed disconnect on dying when not inside any triggers. Sorry Staging players.
3 Years Ago
Made TriggerHurt an IServerComponent like the other hurt trigger types, since it's only used on the server side
3 Years Ago
▆▋ █ ▇▅▌▊▇▄ ▉▋ ▄█▌▄▌█ ▅▋▊▄▆ ▋█▊▅▄▅ ▆ ▉▌▆▉ ▌▆█▋▍▄▋ (▌.▋. ▊▍▅█▍▌ ▅▋▌▆), ▇▅▆▍▄▄ ▊▍▋▉ ▅█▋▉ █▉▉▊▄█▅▍▌▇▊ - ▌▇▆▅ ▅▍ ▉▋ ▊▌█▊'▆ █▋▇▄ ▍▆ ▊▅▅ ▉▄▇▇ ▉▊▇▅█▆▍ ▇▆▊█▋▊
3 Years Ago
Don't serialize lastDealtDamageTime
3 Years Ago
█▌█▋▅▄▊ ▇▉▊ ▆▅▊▊▋▉▅ ▅▅▊▄ ▌▉▄▇▊▅▆▅▌ ▌▋▇▌▌ ▇▊▌▆▇▊▆▍ ▇▄▋▄▉▍▌: - ██▊▆▇▊▇█ ██▌▇▆▊▌ ▉▋▋▌█▌▇▍▋ ▄▋▌▆▍ ▉▊▊▇▇█▇. - ▅▅▉▅▄ ▆▇▋▉▆▄▇▉▉ ▍▆ ▊█▍▄▉▌ ▆▊▌▄█▌▋ ▆▄▌▆██▊. - ▆▊▇▊ ▍▅ ▆▋▊ █▋█▊█▍▌▇▇ ▌▆ ▌▍▇▍▋▉▍ ▇▅▅▅, ▄▄▇▄▄▅▆ ▅▇▉█▍-▇▇▍▆▇ ▆▆█▌▊. - ▅▋▇▇█▍█ ▆▍▉▉▇▊█▇▇▍▋▅▆█▋▇▍▍▉▋ ▇▉▄▍▊▆ █▍ ▉▋▋▊▇▋▅▊ (▌█▍▊▉ ▍▄ ▆█▇▊▅). █▇▇'▇ ▌▅▄▊▌ ▊▌▅ ▆█▌▊▆ ▄▌ █▆ ▄▉▉▍▍▆█ ▉▌ █▇▉▆▉▅▇▇▌ ▅▊▉▋▆ ▉▌█▅▄▇▄.
3 Years Ago
Merge getWaveData_fix -> Main
3 Years Ago
For connect exceptions, show only the exception message in the console, not the whole stack
3 Years Ago
Turned the exception from a failed 'connect' console command into a warning. It now shows up in the UI and as a warning in the console, instead of in the UI and as red exception text on the main menu.
3 Years Ago
Fixed a graphics.uiscale value of 0.8 hiding the search text on the crafting screen when at 1080p
3 Years Ago
Add a couple of additional null checks to modular vehicle conditional refreshes
3 Years Ago
Speed up dance floor and sound light