userBill Bcancel

1,543 Commits over 1,735 Days - 0.04cph!

3 Years Ago
Added CheckInsideAnyCollider, covering checks on colliders of all types
3 Years Ago
Commit my CheckInsideNonConvexMesh method, currently unused
3 Years Ago
For whatever reason UI shaders never seem to be lit quit right, ending up too bright or dark in different situations. I've now made a basic playing card plane and applied the card texture to it, and using that as the backing for the community cards instead. That gets it lit correctly, and then the UI component just adds a multiplied sprite of the card's actual content. Same trick the hand-held cards use.
3 Years Ago
Adjust card material brightness
3 Years Ago
Merge CardGames->Main again
3 Years Ago
Merge CardGames->Main
3 Years Ago
Merge WorkCart->Main. Bug fixes and minor improvements.
3 Years Ago
Merge CardGames->Main. Adds: - Visible community cards on the table - Chips on the table that match the actual pot - Improved UI performance
3 Years Ago
Change packages-lock.json com.unity.ide.rider dependency com.unity.test-framework version back to 1.1.1, and commit missing and changed meta files from the backport merge.
3 Years Ago
Make cardtable_gibs read/write enabled (fix "CollisionMeshData couldn't be created...")
3 Years Ago
Change magnet crane animator to physics mode
3 Years Ago
Minor layer edit to modular car chassis
3 Years Ago
Changed one of the front cylinders back to world layer, since it might conceivably bump into stuff
3 Years Ago
CylinderBase01, CylinderBase02, CylinderBase03, CylinderTop02, Collider (the small one on the arm), and CylinderTop01 changed from Vehicle World to Vehicle Detailed. The Vehicle World layer is only used for actual driving physics, so anything that's not a big chunky area of a vehicle can probably be on the Vehicle Detailed layer instead, which handles the detailed collisions from players or bullets.
3 Years Ago
Changed magnet crane fence colliders from Vehicle World to Vehicle Detailed layer
3 Years Ago
Fix magnet crane eye position body clipping
3 Years Ago
Fixed Reveal Hand not playing the right action's sound. Made the check sound quieter.
3 Years Ago
Fixed Playground and BillBTestMap terrain after HDRP backport merge
3 Years Ago
- Fixed the player being left holding cards if they go all-in in a two-player game and get kicked after the result for losing all their scrap. - Line endings fixed in CardTableSeat
3 Years Ago
Poker: If there's NOBODY else in the game at the end of a round, that always means you won (wasn't a real bug but the UI would in some cases only show the scrap as "returned" instead of "won")
3 Years Ago
Poker: Fix double-showing a result if there are no primary winners
3 Years Ago
Rename the card table next round phrase since the text content/meaning has changed
3 Years Ago
Update comment to match current behaviour
3 Years Ago
Poker: - Correctly pay out abandoned scrap if there's only one invested player - Removed unused param from LeaveCurrentRound
3 Years Ago
Poker - end the game as expected when one player leaves a two-player game (regression bug on Staging)
3 Years Ago
Don't make the player hold space/esc to leave the poker UI if they aren't in a game yet
3 Years Ago
Code review: Use MovePosition instead of Teleport in HandleMountedOnLoad
3 Years Ago
Adjusted seat positions on card tables, fixing the ones where the player's held cards could clip into the table contents
3 Years Ago
Fixed players dying while playing poker causing the cards they were holding to stay floating there. You know you can't play with ghost cards, bro.
3 Years Ago
Fixed SetFloatFixed using the deltaTime parameter instead of the dampTime parameter in the dampTime field. Reduced 'speed' and 'vehicleSteering' dampTimes since they became pretty slow - since all the parameters have been using deltaTime instead of the actual dampTime since 35700 this wasn't visible before. This bugfix fixes the glitchy animations on players holding guns in demos, although that seems to be partly related to another bug where demos are running around 4% slow.
3 Years Ago
When PositionLerp wipes, reset the timeOffset values. Fixes players sliding at the start of demos after jumping to a new position: The TimeOffset was using old values from the previous run until the full TimeOffsetInterval passed and all the old values got shuffled out.
3 Years Ago
Cherry-pick my modular car terrain detection work
3 Years Ago
Merge WorkCart->Main
3 Years Ago
Merge CardGames->Main
3 Years Ago
Merge CardGames->Main. Protocol++. Adds: - Only the winner(s) in a showdown is now forced to show their hand. Others players can choose to show. - Local player can still see what cards they had in the left-side UI after folding. - Winner's hand is now shown in the central UI alert.
3 Years Ago
Disable raycasting on market terminal UI elements
3 Years Ago
Electrical counter fixes: - Visual: Font size now scales smaller when the number doesn't fit - Visual: Better centered the numbers - Performance: Set the camera on the UI canvas on init, so Unity doesn't call FindObjectWithTag on it constantly. Disabled Raycast Target on a couple of UI elements.
3 Years Ago
[Editor only] Allow overriding the F9 screenshot resolution with any specified resolution
3 Years Ago
Compile fix, don't need IComparable anymore
3 Years Ago
Rewrote the whole results calculator (side pots, draws, abandoned scrap) to fix any payout bugs once and for all.
3 Years Ago
Make sure we always clear previous bet data correctly after end-of-round
3 Years Ago
Better fix for abandoned scrap calculation
3 Years Ago
Subtract fix from 60523, pending an improved fix
3 Years Ago
Clear BetThisRound and BetThisTurn immediately when a player leaves the game
3 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect payouts when both side pots (different all-in amounts) and folded players are involved
3 Years Ago
[Editor only] Fixed poker test window array error
3 Years Ago
[Editor only] Poker test window remembers different scrap values per player
3 Years Ago
[Editor only] Poker Tester window can now set a specified amount of scrap in storage for any player at the table
3 Years Ago
Poker game inputs now reset the player idle timer on the server. Don't kick players just because they sat playing poker for thirty minutes!
3 Years Ago
Enabled read/write on the gambling lamp since the LOD3 is used as a mesh collider. Fixes the "RuntimeNavMeshBuilder: Source mesh gambling_lamp_LOD3 is skipped..." errors on every server start.