30,783 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.33cph!
Unfucked entity parenting on quarry + water purifier (still some weird client side shit going on with nested parenting on the water purifier)
Fixed blurry FP logo on low quality settings
Tweaked cloud brightness, especially at night
Use 2D distance in projectile entity movement test
Tweaked animal entity bounds
This meta file can be removed
Include entity name when logging "entity too far away"
Ignore projectiles from stalled players without handing out violations
Updated "Find Materials Using Shader" tool
Switched all materials using "Legacy Shaders/Diffuse" to barebones rust/std (mostly third party, fixes revz for all)
Moved reverse depth code to a separate component
Fixed revz not working on player preview
Removed redundant multi_compile causing errors in some shaders
Fixed black grass on legacyGL + lod<300, possibly others
Fixed billboards in d3d9 again (RUST-682)
Fixed missing decals
Fixed revz darkening environment
Fixed issue with graphics.revz not being set, causing rendering problems
Doors reset campfire decay
14657 (RUST-842)
lowered max hydration storage on players
fixed water purifier effects always on
fixed stringpool errors
fixed already destroyed errors
Added skinned mesh collider
AntiHack fix for patrol helicopter speed during rocket run, for real
Wall frame fence layer fix
fixed wrong icon on halterneck
AntiHack fix for patrol helicopter speed during rocket run
AntiHack projectile protection properties are now in convars
Tweaked distance padding in instahit detection
Cleanup server side projectiles after their max lifetime was exceeded, not after 10 seconds
Instahit logs are yellow in console
Tweaked speed forgiveness in instahit detection
Tweaked max entity velocity in instahit detection
Improvements for the alternative projectile instahit detection
Alternative solution to projectile instahit
fix for no water purifier guide
water purifier only produces steam and bubbling sound when water is actually being processed
manifest, loot, phrases et al
Caught fish sounds (fish trap)
changed the default Editor Inventory Loadout back to the previous one