116,426 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed possible NRE's in LifeInfographic
Probably fixed loot sometimes opening with the wrong panel
Fixed taa component position
Mixed in unity-std temporal anti-aliasing; has proper tonemap+reverse => filters bloom flicker; kept best of both
Better integration with native motion vectors
Added FXAA as an option for low end
Reduced glove and boot bullet and melee protection by 50%
XP saving uses protobuffers, no garbage
XP databases will be converted on first run
Added custom version of playdead's temporal anti-aliasing
Updated Sqlite
Sqlite thread safe
Sqlite insert speed unit tests
Increased default server.queriesPerSecond
Fixed raknet debug output in server console
Fixed item ownership distributing far more than 100% of total XP
Disable collecting XP stats (server perf test)
Rain collision disabled (lag)
Full screen non exclusive - hoping to fix cursor weird fuckup shit fuck off unity
Added rust/std ability to override standard lighting
Fixed revz rain visible through objects (RUST-905)
Fixed UI notifications getting stuck on reconnect (RUST-1099)
Fixed dragging out of inventory not always dropping items
removed a crate spawn from the runway (left over)
removing (deleting this time) rotors from the airfield helis
fix for > 100% owneship bug
Improved responsiveness of throwables
repair bench at lvl 7
found weapons have slightly more condition (get a couple clips out of them now)
Downgrading to Unity b21 (fixes full screen issues, unlimited framerate on ds)
corrected pivots on projectiles
added tumble values to thrown weapons
Fixed a missing collider on trainyard
Turned on objects that had been automatically turned off in dungeons
All staging and prerelease branches add the dev branch indicator to the branding UI
Added server.branch convar to limit client connections to a certain Steam branch (this sucks)
Server now checks client beta name on connect (seeing if this works)
Re-adding music system code
Cherry picking goosey's shit from prerelease
adjusted tech tree
buffed eoka
buffed stone spear
stone spear unlocks earlier
nerfed cost of sword/machette
gain xp for gutting fish
gain xp when cloth/leather is used in a recipie
fix for sleepers appearing standing up (until you approach them)
xp when crafting ingredients are used
halved xp when gathering
fixed incendiary rockets not being craftable
research table not craftable
using a repair bench adds the user as a partial owner
fishing traps give xp
lots of ownership sharing for various actions (cooking, smelting, etc )
added code for 3rd person aiming/throwing of 1handed / 2handed weapons
tweaked throw animations
3rd person animations for the player aiming and throwing 1hand or 2hand weapons
merge from dungeon 3
includes airfield rework, garage doors, static doors set, and more..