117,640 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
use maxvel from parent if applicable
bonefollower cycles after positionlerp
Fixed screen-space subsurface scattering and deferred mesh decals in edit mode / scene view
Added 3 additional ice lake variants
A couple of IList iterators were gc prone.
reset player rotation on dismount
can place shelves in 1x1 again (whoops!)
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Wooden ladders can be stacked to 5
Can repair damaged ladders
Can stack items that have condition if their condition is maxed out
Fixed BaseNpc serialization mismatch in CLIENT / SERVER (also fixes compilation error)
can only pick up non-locked boxes
chair no longer syncs position
Raw and spoiled meat no longer goes straight to belt when picked up
map writing enabled for mods
BaseNpc implements MaxVelocity
fixed skinning on vm bandages
Can place large furnace under floor grills even after the floor grills have already been placed
Added barbed wire damage triggers to new high external gate
Updated deploy volumes / socket tests on high external walls
Barricade collider updates
gate.external.high.stone has an extra protecting sides made of panels and barbwire
barricades shoot through colliders, slimmer blocking colliders
Tweaked high external wall barbed wire damage volumes
Fixed shadow quality change from 0 to 2
Reverted barricade collider scale hack
barricades wood, wood barbwire, metal share a more convenient footprint/volume
Vector2i, Vector3i, Vector2b, Vector3b implement IEquatable
furnace costs 100 less wood
furnace no longer starts with wood
can pick up furnace if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up fridge if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up large storage if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
can pick up small wood storage if empty + hammer equipped + cupboard
shelves can be placed overtop of existing boxes
vending machines can buy/sell BPs just like any other item
map no longer needs a map item
map item uncraftable
F key toggles lights on car