117,003 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Disabled mesh compression on rocks, see if that works
supply drop blocks player item input
crossbow deploy extended in code
Reduced bloom overhead by another 10% costing tolerable change to overall brightness
Exposed more bloom params
doubled max xp for finding barrels/loot crates (helps with late game grind, less xp falloff )
increased gathering maximum xp by 50%
increased max xp from others crafting item
increased xp earn rate from others gathering for you (diminishing still in effect)
Added bone name to vis.damage
lowgrade fuel keeps lights lit longer
ownership share for providing resources increased to 50%
if someone kills an animal with your tool you get xp
fixed bug where you could sometimes bypass loot item input protection
Changed the assigned body parts of some lower body player bones (since the upper legs of the mesh are skinned to the hip bones)
Reverting some model state tick changes I believe to be fucked
Wood doors much more vulnerable to explosives
Replaced bloom's 7 (7 sp) gaussian with optimized 9 (5 sp) gaussian; now 10% faster
Default water quality = 1 (refl also 1)
Default aa quality = FXAA
Procgen scenes and prefabs for power substations
Desperate attempt at fixing mesh issues on rock_cliff_a: touched, changed tangent computation and turned down compression
Fixed item containers of certain weapons being locked for player input (cc Helk, regression from 15732)
Turned off tonemapper debug
Tweaked eye adaptation and tonemapping to fix overbrightness
Warn on duplicate bone ID in skeleton properties
sentry gun unlocks at level 18 instead of 24
sentry gun parts found in radtowns (rarely)
lasersight unlocks at level 24 (was 25)
touched a bunch of files because why?
can no longer input items into loot boxes/trash piles (fixes exploits causing them not to respawn)
fixed the 3rd person drink animation so it holds the bota bag properly
small stash cost reduced to 10 cloth
xp from barrels only awarded if destroyer is nearby (no sniping barrels for xp)
hoodie armor buff
roadsign armor more expensive
most important change of the month - ceiling lights are cheaper and cast more light
crude oil collision fix (perhaps they will spawn under dome now?)
Remove audio files for unused song
Preserve sample rate on music
Resized luts to 256x16 to speed up climate blends
Rocket LOS check improvement (RUST-1152)
Replaced deluxe eye adaptation and amplify color with unity cinematic effects; eye adaptation now 2x faster
lengthened loaded crossbow deploy anim
Fixed revz opengl missing name plates (RUST-1158)
Damage properties are stored on projectiles
Shotgun buckshot uses headshot damage multiplier of 1.25
airfield work backup
Power substation models/LODs/COLs/Prefabs and textures