116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
some tweaks to the turn in place animations
added some code to show the player shuffling his feet when he's turning on the spot (we've finally achived NEXT GEN status !!)
setup the gib script so it points to the correct gib special fx
fixed a bunch of errors with the viewmodels missing some animations
optimized the building destruction special f/x
Fixed some missing references in BuildingTest
Old save compatibility (for BuildingTest)
Getting the material from TerrainConfig in TerrainTexturing
Fixed missing terrain material in TestLevel
SpeedTreeCleanup: Fixed some special cases
Simplified ammo system under the hood
Ammo display counter
Merge from terrain-improvements
Protocol++ (network + save)
Fixed some dedicated server compilation errors
new tracer effect
lowered rate of fire for some weapons
Added padding to bridge terrain adjustment
Hide blueprints when looting
Can drop items by dragging them outside of the inventory
Increased minimum river length and overall river count
Fixed that discarded rivers would block other rivers
Assigned the collision mesh overrides to foundation, foundation.steps, foundation.triangle to use the custom collision meshes made last week
Fixed smoe missing materials
Switched road pathfinder to von neumann neighborhood for more road wobbliness
Road / bridge analysis improvements
Better lakeside / oceanside / beachside topology generation
replaced fps.graph with perf
setting perf to 2 will show more details
Verify vertex is forward-facing before adding it to the river mesh (fixes more overlap cases)
UnityAnalytics event with frame timings
Gibs now have physics material setting
building damage particle giblets ( wood / stone / metal )
Added a bunch of materials for the Shader Test scene. Added the clothing shader. Added some missing meat models.
Updated some clothing items for compatibility. Updated some materials in the Shader Test scene.