248,620 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Add vfxc and met to sbox_game group
Fix typo on msdfgen vpc
Fixed some baking issues + hooking into S2P
Large neon sign no longer animatable
Added large animated neon sign with 5 frames
▆▉▄ ▊▊▅▄▋█▋▅▊ ▆▅▆▌▅▌ ▋▅ ▄ ▉▅█▆ ▄▌▇▆█▅ ▆█▅ :(
Change "Duplicate Frame" into "Copy Previous Frame"
Bit of a hack around the Vector2 issue
RenderContext.SetVector2, SetVector3, SetVector4
Move cssbox shader into sbox.base
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Sandbox entities no longer draw their world tip/outline when the entity is set to not draw (Community Contrib)
▅▇▆▌▌▊ ▆▋▍▇ ▆██▄█▇ █▇▊▊█ + ▉█▄▌█ ▇▌▅▅▊ + ▅▌▄▌▍▌▇▊▉▌ ▍ ▌▊ ▄▋▋▉▄▆▉ ▄▍▋▉▊▌▅▍
Road tunnel entrances backup
Fixed invalid codegen in !redux build
▊█▅▅█▄▍ ▆▊▆▄▅██▇▉▆, █▉ █▄▌▍ ▄▉▉ ▋▄▆▋▉▇▊▍▋▌▇
Fix censorsigns not censoring already loaded signs
Merge from xmas_2020 (sign bug fixes)
Fix neon signs being shut off when the textures load in
Don't render entity AO proxies if entity is invisible or is view controller
Add AO proxy to citizen and rust pistol
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix older signs not saving images anymore (server thought the sign has 0 frames)
Added Texture.Load
Fuck these asserts
Bind Vector4D
Added RenderContext.BindMaterial
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix signs images only appearing on LOD0
Fix frames 2 and 3 being far away from the sign
Fix NRE when trying to paint on normal signs
Allow all the other joints to be created
Fix MaterialSystem,2.CreateRawMaterial
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added built-in SetDestination rate limiting to the new base navigator.
Rename joint config to joint builder to stay consistent
Bind all functions for every joint so it's out of the way and never has to be done again
AIInformationZone optimizations & cleanup.
Ipsum tests
Texture file cleanup
Texture uses ResourceHandle shit
Senses update now ticks regularly.
IsVisible ai event optimizations.
▅▊▅▍█▉ ▍▆▅▌ ▆▉▊▄▇▄▋▄▍▋█
▌▊▄▊▊▉ ▊▋▊▅▄▊█ ▋▍▋ ▊▊ █▅▉ ▊▄▍ ▉▍▅▋▆▌ ▋▆▄▍ ▆▍▅▆▋▍▇██ ▊▅ ▍▆▆▇▆▅▇█ ▉▌▆▉ ▄▄▋ █▌▉▌█▌▉▉▉▄▊ ▇▍▉▌ ▄▅▇▋▊▋▌█▍
InteropGen added pointer .ToString, .IsValid
InteropGen: added ResourceHandle type
Added GameLoop.PostCreateInterface
Rename some big enums
Added Material, binds HMaterial/IMaterial2
Added GameGlue.GetMaterial
Changed SetMaterial to use HMaterial
RenderContext.SetMaterial (temporary)
easy balance, credits stuff etc
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
easy hunter balance
focus tip delay depends on difficulty
fix egg shields despawning early
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Actually revert accidental ProjectSettings changes
Revert accidental ProjectSettings changes
Fix opening a sign for editing turning the sign off locally
█▇▉▉█▍▄ ▊▋▋▅▍▅▇▊▅ ▅▆▊█▍ ▅▋▆▉ ▊▅▌ ▋▋▄▅▅▅ ▍▉▊'▅ ▌▆▋█▇▌▅▌▅ ▍▋▋▉▋▆▌, ▋▆▊▆▄▌▌ ▆▍▍▊▍ ▋▍█▄▉▄██▋ █▌ ▍▄ ▊█▅▅ ▍▆▇▍▇ █▋▌▇'▅ ▍█▉▉█▅▅▅ ▆▉▊▆▉▇
▍▄▌▇▄▄ ▉▅▊██▅█.▌▍▉▋▊▊▄▌▍▉▌█▍▆▆█▍▋▍▋▅▊ █▌ █ ▊▊▍▅▌▋ ▊▍ ▌▍▊▊█▇ █▊▉▍ █▍▍▄▋▇▋ ▊▊▉▇ ▆▆█▋▆▄▍▄ (▊▅▌▆█▅▇ ▉▌▉ - ██▅▊▊▍▌▉▉)
▇▋▅▅▉▅ ▅▊▉▄▋▇▋▇▆▍▇ ▄▊▊▊▋█ ▉▇ ▇█▉ ▅▅▇▊▇▅ ▆█▍▋█▅▅ ▍▆ ▊▅▄▉▍▉▉ ▇▌▋ ▇▇▊▇▉▋▆ ▋▉▉▇▊▄▍▉▄▋▍ ▉▉▉█▋█
▌██ ▍ ▅▇▊▅█▊▍▉ ▄▋▉▆▍ █▉▆▉█ ▆▅▆▊▉▍▌ ▇ ▍█▍▅ ▍▇ ▅ ▄▆▉█▊ ▊█▉ ▆▅▍█▇ ▆▇▄ ▅▅█▆▆▊█▋
Reduce default PerformancePrintPeriod
▌▍▄ ▉▆▉▋▅▅ ▍▉ ▄▊▋▅ ▄▄▅ ▉▉▆▍▍█▄▇ ▌▋▇▋▆, ▌▅▄ ▆▇█▋▍█▌ ▄▉▆ ▉█ █▍ ▆ ▅▍█▉▋▋ ▌▄ ▉█▌ ▋▄
▋▇▊▄ ▇▌▌▅▍▅▄█▆, ▋▋▋▆ ▍█▋▄█▉ ▋▌▅▅█▋▅ █▇ ▇▄▉▆▌ ▇▊▆ (▇▉▇▄ █▊▌▌ ▄▌ ▋▉▅ ▇▇▆▋▌▆▅▋ █▇▋▊▊▄)