
106,121 Commits over 3,806 Days - 1.16cph!

9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
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9 Years Ago
HIgh wooden wall is researchable, loot spawns very rarely
9 Years Ago
Include all bundled prefabs in the manifest (should fix high wall placement)
9 Years Ago
Fixed ItemIcon NRE
9 Years Ago
fixed the positioning of the spears in 3rd person added some 3rd person jump specific animations for the spear
9 Years Ago
Fixed triangle foundation climbing Added cooldown to jumping when on a ladder
9 Years Ago
TextBuffer splits all input into individual lines
9 Years Ago
Added world.monuments query to quickly get an overview of all the monuments on a map
9 Years Ago
added VFXGallery scene, muzzle smoke FX and updated frosty breath FX
9 Years Ago
Increased static quarry production rate fixed fireball spreading (again)
9 Years Ago
Added new overlay_bleeding.
9 Years Ago
added WIP frosty breath FX
9 Years Ago
Somehow managed to introduce a bug while adding one line of code
9 Years Ago
Just disable Mono mode - because that seems to be the one that's crashing
9 Years Ago
Disabled audio.speakers (causing crash)
9 Years Ago
restored cargo plane sound
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Fixed takedamage_hit going to all players
9 Years Ago
Probable map update fix
9 Years Ago
Headlook IK tweaks
9 Years Ago
fixed trashpiles and oilbarrels stacking up with server restarts, whoops
9 Years Ago
Fixed signs not destroying
9 Years Ago
fixed additive impact effects not working
9 Years Ago
fixed a few small loot issues on sphere tank monument
9 Years Ago
Disable hover over item info preview Skin picker window closed with escape/tab
9 Years Ago
Fixed default+black beenies being exactly the same
9 Years Ago
fixed static mining quarry process rate
9 Years Ago
rebalanced some armor types
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
slightly nerfed oil barrel spawns oil barrels drop 15 crude instead of 20 oil barrels have longer LOD ranges
9 Years Ago
added leather icon
9 Years Ago
removed debug.log calls
9 Years Ago
Fixed deployable guides showing up as blue inside non-authorized cupboard range
9 Years Ago
Fixed landmine and beartrap being placeable in radtowns and monument nobuild zones Fixed being able to place multiple beartraps inside each other
9 Years Ago
Item name/descriptions spelling/consistency
9 Years Ago
Fixed workshop/market buttons not opening
9 Years Ago
Fixed server browser not refreshing on game startup
9 Years Ago
Moved LookRotationForcedUp and LookRotationGradient to QuaternionEx
9 Years Ago
Don't enforce population limits on corn and pumpkins
9 Years Ago
Show different message on research table when blueprint in item slot
9 Years Ago
Fixed player active weapon not always updating for other players
9 Years Ago
Missing loot table meta file
9 Years Ago
Fixed player headlook Fixed item icons getting stuck selected Fixed selection panel not always showing Fixed blueprint panel not always showing Fixed sometimes needing to click on blueprint button twice
9 Years Ago
Animals drop 50% of the cloth value they used to drop
9 Years Ago
fixed bp frags not being consumed on failed research
9 Years Ago
Import settings for new AudioClips
9 Years Ago
fixed some bugs with the IK handholding
9 Years Ago
Sphere tank sound first pass
9 Years Ago
fixed static research table not accepting bp frags adjusted rarity table