
110,897 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!

7 Years Ago
Cherry picked 24618: core/foliage valpha ao
7 Years Ago
Douglas fir update / Added pine trees
7 Years Ago
Added edge masking control to foliage shader Cleaned up shaders using masking control
7 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
7 Years Ago
more damage mask polish, damage increment is more linear
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added dual layer skin shader for testing
7 Years Ago
increased scientist loot
7 Years Ago
fixed scientist loot drops scientists have different colored hazmat suit
7 Years Ago
Fixed wood shutters, fence gate and high external walls occludees
7 Years Ago
Fixed hinged doors occludees
7 Years Ago
EAC SDK update
7 Years Ago
▄▊▄'▉ ▌▍▉▄▉▌▅▇ ▅▆▊▌▌ █▉▇▉▍▋ ▌▆▌▌▆▇▇ ▅▊ ▆▇▄▄▄▉▌█ ▍▉▇▇▋ ▋▅▉▊ █▍ ▅▌▆█
7 Years Ago
▉▍▋▋▇ ▌▍▉▊▆▌▅▌▋ ▇█▆▄▉▊ (▊▅▍ ▅▇█▋ ▌▊▅▉ ▍▊ █▇▅▌) ▆▄▄▊▌▌▉-- (▇▊█▉▋▊▅ ▉▉█▊ ▇▄▊█▌)
7 Years Ago
admire updates
7 Years Ago
EAC SDK update
7 Years Ago
Road grass decor aligns to normal
7 Years Ago
Fixed stars being occluded by atmosphere fog at night Slightly darker sky at midnight
7 Years Ago
damage texture albedo, masks polish
7 Years Ago
Weather (currently only fog) is randomized every 18 hours, fades over 6 hours Fixed washed out sky around noon in temperate and arid biomes Network++
7 Years Ago
Minor Hapis fixes
7 Years Ago
wood/stone/metal tier atlas mask for damage + material tweaks
7 Years Ago
Subtracting AI behaviour 24668, 24684 (performance issues)
7 Years Ago
Fixed building ID regression on newly created buildings (changeset 24670)
7 Years Ago
Merged in from ai behaviour 3.
7 Years Ago
Some more scientist fixes.
7 Years Ago
merged from main
7 Years Ago
behaviour ai tweaks
7 Years Ago
Facepunch.Steamworks meta files
7 Years Ago
Throw exception and fail the build when skinnable item name is incorrect
7 Years Ago
Fixed small build log typo
7 Years Ago
Fixed build warnings
7 Years Ago
Gibbable.DoPrepare error message tweaks
7 Years Ago
Moved xmas event meta file
7 Years Ago
Deleted ocean clutter prefabs (unused)
7 Years Ago
Fixed layer on elevator volumes
7 Years Ago
Optimized elevator volumes (server perf)
7 Years Ago
top tier atlas mask for damage + material tweaks
7 Years Ago
Any entity can use sockets, not just building blocks (presumably breaking everything)
7 Years Ago
twig tier atlas mask for damage + material tweaks
7 Years Ago
Another stab at scientists
7 Years Ago
Misc scientist fixes
7 Years Ago
Scene2Prefab military tunnel
7 Years Ago
Merged back in ai behaviour stuff.
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
Optimized/fixed coverpoints
7 Years Ago
Subtracting ai behaviour 24661 24660 24659 (Server instability)
7 Years Ago
more robust against NRE in ai behaviour.
7 Years Ago
Compile fixes
7 Years Ago
merged from ai behaviour