110,897 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!
Some more ai behaviour tweaks.
More work on ai behaviour.
Some more improvement to ai behaviour
Xmas event disabled
merge from jan_hapis_savas
Third person melee weapon swing sounds
tweaked animations and special fx for lr300 / m249 / m92
More work on AI Behaviour
Shelves correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
Douglas fir / custom vertex normal / vertex AO
Douglas fir progress / finished LOD0 / wind movement / photoscanned bark texture
More work on ai behaviour.
Tool cupboard correctly destroyed if construction below no longer exists
Tool cupboard can no longer be fully submerged inside world layer (rocks)
site_b spool LOD fix
sewer antihack NC reject fix
refinery ladder fix
refinery loot tweaks
fixed quarry c spool LOD
fixed possible out of bounds exploit(s)
site A cave no longer building blocked
beached boat building block volume tweaks
canyon floating spot light fix
Fixed culling frame delay in fov changes
Added core/generic SRM packing variant
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Added vertex occlusion (vaalpha) control to core/foliage
added animations for holding the flare while its lit
Potential fix for false culling negatives at certain resolutions
Douglas fir progress / 3 new tree variants
flare viewmodel with new hand rig
Culling.env convar update
Fixed ladder hatch culling bounds
Fixed door garland collider (blocking movement on the floor above it)
Fixed door garland entity bounds