223,680 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

6 Years Ago
more AI cleanup
6 Years Ago
More shader corrections for 2017.2 (DXT5nm)
6 Years Ago
fixed AI designer nodes not remembering resizing / dragging
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
UI tweaks Can now lock reasearch rewards via level Wip new background system
6 Years Ago
Assimp bone bindings
6 Years Ago
Assimp animation bindings
6 Years Ago
side guns laser lerps length bullet impact pxc effect splash damage bullet effect reworked pixel flashing splash damage min & max pixel distance splash damage doesnt hurt parts
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Coins with an s Observe style size limit
6 Years Ago
minor AI tidy up
6 Years Ago
Got NPC looting working for Mountain Ogre.
6 Years Ago
Fixed Goal Momentum being 0 on some goals resulting in people doing something else for a tick
6 Years Ago
improved target filtering so that it will be guaranteed to filter every entity type. This fixes an issue in which people were just leaving sticks lying around in the camp. machine command generator now writes to the item blackboard key
6 Years Ago
▅█▆▉▄ ▍▋█▍ + ▉▄▌▋▉▍▌▆ ▄▇▉▄▅▌▍
6 Years Ago
Fixed buying avatar height giving avatar width too
6 Years Ago
Fix mesh collision in steam build
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Added assimp node transform bindings
6 Years Ago
Do the same for mesh material name
6 Years Ago
Model importer attempts to find a material if it doesn't exist, first using modelname.mat then creating a default material using modelname.png if that also doesn't exist.
6 Years Ago
Always use model library for static mesh entities
6 Years Ago
bold etc
6 Years Ago
Code tags
6 Years Ago
Fix mesh loading using base lod mesh data for all lod levels
6 Years Ago
BBCode To Delta wip
6 Years Ago
Make mesh vertex buffers always use full precision UVs. Add C++ vbsp code back incase we need to debug it again.
6 Years Ago
Allow duplicate username - if name is taken by a legacy user
6 Years Ago
Got passenger names working
6 Years Ago
Fixed building shading.
6 Years Ago
Don't require steam to init
6 Years Ago
Misc refactoring, steam client disposal tests
6 Years Ago
Migration fixes
6 Years Ago
Fixed two null pre-requisites and added proper NRE test to HasTalent(...).
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Disabled Steam/Facepunch Integration in edtor
6 Years Ago
Reindeer antlers headband lowpoly and textures
6 Years Ago
tree smoke no longer loops
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
tree audio fixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Misc refactoring/cleanup
6 Years Ago
EntityTransform stuff re enabled for now
6 Years Ago
updates to vm admire source
6 Years Ago
Fixed bad profiler sampling in BehaviourChain.CreateInteractionBehaviour, UnitAttachments
6 Years Ago
Started experimenting with WebGL 2 support
6 Years Ago
Removed FollowCamera Renamed RTSCamera to GameCamera ScenarioDefinition holds GameCameraProfile Fixed missing StatMeasurementEx.Evaluate profiler sample, improved samples for this method
6 Years Ago
Fixed a bug with DToolTip Fixed a bug with DToolTip that prevented Panel.SetTooltipPanel from working properly
6 Years Ago
Fixed a bug with DToolTip that prevented Panel.SetTooltipPanel from working properly