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7 Years Ago
Third batch of packed materials (50)
7 Years Ago
increased size of range text box on unit info panel to fit a min-max range instead of just range
7 Years Ago
Mortart now has a minimum range of 3 (to match its max range of 3)
7 Years Ago
attack range can now have a minum range, pathfinder stores distance in tiles
7 Years Ago
Added extra error messages when FastDL fails on POSIX
7 Years Ago
Windows SRCDS servers can be connected to via SteamP2P when launched with '-p2p' param
7 Years Ago
RoadNetwork updates
7 Years Ago
...and the rest. Fixed def not getting looked up correctly from proto.
7 Years Ago
unit + attack def is now looked up once at unit init and stored, started removing all UnitDatabase.Find() and replacing with the references
7 Years Ago
Lowered rock whoosh volume a little bit to emphasize the crunchy hit sound instead Fixed falchion damage type
7 Years Ago
More fixes.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Balancing Fixes
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Item stack settings
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Building fix.
7 Years Ago
Item costs Building stuff Fixed some sounds
7 Years Ago
Resource & building stuff.
7 Years Ago
Goblin improvements Resource stuff Env color tweaks.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Can't run into/through hobgoblin.
7 Years Ago
Warnings for when a font is failed to be created, and when the fallback has failed creating
7 Years Ago
Goblin improvements. Various.
7 Years Ago
Resources; Gold, coal, tin, copper, stone.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Second batch of packed matetials (50)
7 Years Ago
Fixed standard packed shader particle accum albedo
7 Years Ago
Fixed packed map assignment not working sometimes Added deleting packed maps on unpack
7 Years Ago
Added material packing auto rollback to unpacked when failed Fixed packing not supporting 8bit textures Tidy up code a bit
7 Years Ago
Got rid of pooling
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Updates to RoadNetwork
7 Years Ago
rotation speed affected by movement speed
7 Years Ago
lerp debris color from current to damaged randomly tweaked feel of strafeboosting
7 Years Ago
Resource progress
7 Years Ago
Ai tweaks.
7 Years Ago
pixelchunk keeps track of pixeldatas pixel chunk debris sfx
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
Added OnChange to ReplicateAttribute. Temp fix for showing viewmodel on client spawn. Temp fix for thirdperson camera on clients.
7 Years Ago
Various food stuff
7 Years Ago
Cleanup & food stuff
7 Years Ago
Spawning viewmodel and cameras client side only. Fixed clients not attaching viewmodel to camera on possess.
7 Years Ago
RoadNetwork now updates correctly.
7 Years Ago
moved bear assets
7 Years Ago
npc tweaks
7 Years Ago
code gen
7 Years Ago
Cleanup part 2
7 Years Ago
cloud colors
7 Years Ago
merge from clouds