224,000 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
- Auto start in server mode when running in batchmode
7 Years Ago
animal data stuff
7 Years Ago
Properly cull PropRenderer at runtime (memory usage, performance) Fixed IEditorComponent not being culled at all in client builds
7 Years Ago
Can convert unwanted steam inventory clothes into cloth (for no reason right now)
7 Years Ago
Working with integration of the Session concept in GameManager. Tried some directions that will be changed for next commit, so this isn't representative of the final direction necessarily.
7 Years Ago
- Doors always open outwards from the person who's opening it. - Fixed some problems with running testconstuct now buildings are networked.
7 Years Ago
Shipyard now has spawn point
7 Years Ago
WIP fix
7 Years Ago
Updated plastic panels
7 Years Ago
Reverted accidentally included Rust.Data.csproj change
7 Years Ago
Merge from networking_fuckery_2 Network++
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Fixed decor NRE with pool mode 2
7 Years Ago
Updated steamworks
7 Years Ago
Plastic panels
7 Years Ago
Harbor crane update
7 Years Ago
Only driver gets to drive!
7 Years Ago
Players get a vehicle control "item" when entering a vehicle that lets them control it when selected. Still in progress.
7 Years Ago
Added role gain to some cooking interactions for testing purposes
7 Years Ago
data save
7 Years Ago
More work on roles
7 Years Ago
Added some missing Profiler.EndSample in PlayerModel
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #474
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #474
7 Years Ago
Disabled graphics jobs
7 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #474
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #474
7 Years Ago
Restored the d1_trainstation_05 hack to the plugs
7 Years Ago
Roles WIP
7 Years Ago
Home & Rally buttons added to UI Before/UI Mask ported to ASE
7 Years Ago
some kind of attempt at code to make the corpse meat chunks dissapear when used
7 Years Ago
vm source
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #473
7 Years Ago
Removed ExternalAssets folder, which contained the projects for GameSaveData.
7 Years Ago
Removed GameSaveData dlls and the ProtoLoader interface that accessed them.
7 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #473
7 Years Ago
Removed last pieces of GameSaveData namespace from our code.
7 Years Ago
Adding units to buildings
7 Years Ago
Updated AO
7 Years Ago
Updating Deuce SC
7 Years Ago
meta file changes for some ase samples
7 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #473
7 Years Ago
trying to make deer show how many bits of meat are left on them
7 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #473
7 Years Ago
Misc cleanup
7 Years Ago
* Moved SRCDS workshop files to cache/srcds/id.gma, from addons/ds_id.gma * Added a little bit better error message to the "bad jpeg icon" of GMPublish ! Get rid of some unnecessary workshop related files and classes * Moved Subscription list and Workshop thumbs up counter to ISteamUGC * Only display warnings about unused .gmas when there are such .gmas
7 Years Ago
Removed maxNumberOfSamplesPerFrame set in GameManager since it's obselete in 5.5
7 Years Ago
saved out hex max scene
7 Years Ago
removed erroneous naming on hex prefabs (7c changed to 7 etc) created new prefabs for ones that were missing, 4, 19, 20.. and added startpoints to all for pathfinding split bridge road and road side on hex 10, 11, 12, 13 and re-exported created new prefabs for 10, 11, 12, 13 Saved over city 2 with city 1 ready to build city out of prefabs
7 Years Ago
Commenting out steamworks init because we dont really need it right now