225,833 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.53cph!

8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room FOR FUCK SAKE playship prefab, tweak booster FX
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory rotorz tile FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab
8 Years Ago
latest fbx
8 Years Ago
▋ █▋▄▌▋▅▆ ▆▄█▄, ▅▉▆▅▄▌▊ ▋▉▆▆▌▍
8 Years Ago
server lag exploit fix fix for floating weapons fix for sleepers being invisible on terrain under certain conditions
8 Years Ago
cars, clouds and trees
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE bolt material
8 Years Ago
▌ ▊▉▍▊▆▍▇ ▊▉█▆▌▊ ▄▊▊▇▋▇
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE bolt projectile FX+ added impact FX FOR FUCK SAKE floating turret booster FX
8 Years Ago
getting a location inside a territory should now take influence into account
8 Years Ago
Fixed missing arrows / spears when shot / thrown into the ground
8 Years Ago
basic position update for invisible players (so weapon moves to the right place)
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room scene
8 Years Ago
slightly better, maybe, still lots of general problems
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Added Util/CRC class for fast crc32 and crc64 generation from single and multiple strings
8 Years Ago
Attempt at fixing NRE when attempting to reconnect to server Prevent UDR opt from initializing when component is disabled
8 Years Ago
players no longer rebuild their body any time their inventory changes (yikes - gunbattle microstutter)
8 Years Ago
readding torso stabilise script to torso layer animations as they all accidently got removed
8 Years Ago
- Another new factory room
8 Years Ago
Can no longer interact with stuff while wounded
8 Years Ago
Items.HasFreeHand fix
8 Years Ago
Ability data tweaks
8 Years Ago
Fixed OnUnitEquippedCarriedItem not invoking OnUnitStowedEquippedItem
8 Years Ago
Fixed player corpses "flash" when hit (RUST-1212)
8 Years Ago
▋▆▋▄▆▌█ "▌▄▉█▄▍▉▇" ▉▊▅▆ ▊▉▍▄ ▌▆▍█▆▋▌▊
8 Years Ago
Rewrote Items.TryHoldCarriedItem and TryStowHeldItem
8 Years Ago
Shotgun buckshot has slightly randomized velocity (doesn't affect damage, purely visual)
8 Years Ago
- Few more factory rooms - Deleted some unused code in spawners
8 Years Ago
vm beancan grenade updates
8 Years Ago
Combined PickUp/Equip/Stow item actions into a single action with mode switch
8 Years Ago
AH projectile LOS improvements
8 Years Ago
trying to add a listner
8 Years Ago
ownership debug tools made admin only and clientside
8 Years Ago
█▌▄▍▇ ▋▉▇▅▌ ▄▄▅▆ ▊▅█▋█▅▋▅▊▄▅
8 Years Ago
supply signal drop position has a random offset of 20 units
8 Years Ago
▉██▇ ▆█ █▇█▊▉▊ █▆▄▇▇▍▉ ▍▄▊▍▋▇▄, ▍▄ ▋▋ ▋▋▌██ ▍▌█▅▅▍
8 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in player visibility
8 Years Ago
- Coins now stay around 2 seconds longer
8 Years Ago
AH melee weapon LOS improvements
8 Years Ago
- Increased boost speed from 0.5 to 0.75
8 Years Ago
changed name of combat torso stabilise and kind of made sitting emoting work
8 Years Ago
Broadcasting truck def
8 Years Ago
made storing and getting items from storage toggle the item bool to true or false
8 Years Ago
- Spawn chances, shop tweak
8 Years Ago
- Upgrade costs + cash drop tweaks - Increased activation range of upgrade shop - Rebuilt prefabs
8 Years Ago
Fixed UDR opt not updating invisible renderers, causing issues on ragdolls
8 Years Ago
Dude, I'm tripping balls.
8 Years Ago
Effects can now install AI Modules on Entities Effects can have a randomised durations Added mushroom effect and related behaviours