256,243 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Improved Enemy and Knowledge overlay widget positioning
Fixed NRE in Zone+Weather.ChangeWeather
Updated Facepunch plugins
Fixed AI tribe on island2 being player controlled
Added a player controllable character. Improvements to map generation.
Latest Data
Removed Pageviews
Sales use generic aggregator
Removed Pageviews
Weather is now managed by Zones, not WorldManager
launchsite tweaks, missing ladders
Thinking about building upgrades.
more tweaks to human territory AI
occluders for office buildings, office interiors
fix for RUST-1446 - one sided collider in industrial building g
Rubble pile tint mask + biome tinting
Jobs use message queue
Store analytics using machineid
HUD layout / design tweaks
Added new unity post stack, WIP post/TOD revamp
Switched to linear color mode
VicnityEffectTrigger NRE catch
fixed an issue in which interactions positinos could be marked as blocked by the unit occupying them
Detail colliders for stairs block
Updated collider of static campfire
Removed FakePhysics (empty script)
fix emote bubble placement
tweak match history color, text mesh pro replacement
fix player profile button sorting with option widow
Fixed mismatched gui areas
made the null considerations not null
BEL.DrawConsiderations loop breaks later when obj ref is null
Fixed foliage displacement from foundations