256,247 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
made the null considerations not null
BEL.DrawConsiderations loop breaks later when obj ref is null
Fixed foliage displacement from foundations
Getting out of an interaction position should no longer display on the UI as looking for something to hunt
Beta signup enable/disable
Replay UI is hidden when hijacking
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
exhausted effect remove animator bool on finish
made mushrooms not consumable for now to avoid people tripping all the time
Added -rcon.ssl (certificate path, wss)
Added -rcon.sslpwd (certificate password, wss)
bunker rooms for launchsite LODs/COls/Prefabs
scene2prefab launchsite
Disable old style analytics (we got server logs now)
Link logo/title to website
Secure websocket hack
bullets with no hit effect dont get checked for collision
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Fix for some non-standalone build errors
Leaderboard submission retry system
Fixed off-by-one
Score submission retrying fixes
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Removed a bunch of tags we dont use
Fixed potential NRE in CloudsOfWar OnEnable
tweaked wheel stage
mine attacks
hooked up tentacle stage again
octopus attacks
Overlays no longer flicker when rendered in Hammer with fixed lighting
patternparams is a now a class, bullet pos param
expressionstrings mult(vec2, float)
satellite attacks
Modifying input rate cheat checking. Less false positives from server hitches. Also fixed networkuser issue.
Hammer: hide '3D Lighting Preview', show 'Logic Preview'
Add binding to "Center 3D Views on Selection" label
Hammer uses DX9 version of WorldVertexTransition
Updated project version file
Update hlmv from upstream ( Some things disabled cause too many merging required )
Updated camera settings. Glow visible from a distance.
Unity version bump to 2017.1.0f1. Engine bug with the glow effect is fixed so brought that back.
Rollback gmpublish changes
Pointless loading screen polish