256,250 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Pointless loading screen polish
Undo AI folder rename since it broke the AI
Rename and removing a temp file only
Add outline shaders to always included shaders list
Desires pool size per type is 10
Desires no longer a default Unit component
InfluenceAndTerritory component now also owns an exploration grid which is used for the map clouds
Render Hammer model selection more often (accidentally set to 13fps??)
Removed incorrect use of stale CDialog in Hammer model browser - model browser no longer sometimes freezes
fix for server log not showing.
added player.stats to show players online, games in progress and total games played
Changed C4 back to 10/10 seconds timer
Fixed progress not being called for Http.getJson
Rocket factory LOD/COL/Prefabs
Merge from texture packing
Restored shader lods on packed standard
Cloud overlay camera, related tweaks
Packed first material for testing, building/materials/generic/atlas_wood_stone_metal
Fixed rotations of cloud layer renderers
Removed a redundant cast from divide
cliffside topo rock tweaks
Temperate biome has more stone nodes, less metal + sulfur nodes (arid + arctic biomes remain unchanged)
hqm bonus is now 2, relax
Map view cloud layer surrounding mesh generation, byte array, texture update via LoadRawTextureData
Dressing backup, splat painting
chnagedcost of mining quarry (5000w,1500mf,6gear,4sheet)
metal nodes only gives metal
sulfur nodes only gives sulfur
stone nodes only give stone
increased stone yield from stone node
added finishing bonus to nodes (around 20%) when using proper tools
metal node has a single HQM finishing bonus
Default packed material foldout set to hidden
Added getLoadProgress() to ILoadable and ILoader
Finished first stage of pbr standard base layer packer
Added extra functionality to ImageUtil + raw data workflow