256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Close the sessions (partitions aren't working atm)
Correct primary key
Updated StagPoint HTN Planner to a version I got from the developer.
Tweaked it's code to work to my benefit / not bug out.
Migrated my code from RC1 to latest version.
Feels a bit too unstable to use in production yet. Learned a lot from it though.
crowd forced to jump 1 million times
forced full attendance crowd
Rocket factory exterior LOD/COL
Updated to 5.6.1
Updated SF 1.37
Jenkins builds now aren't automatically made live on steam
Can query using partition key
Don't do FastFirstRetry
Updated Aggregation Processor to use single partitioned mega collection
scene stuff
proper terrain4.asset
Silo occluder is on correct layer now
Fixed jumping distance on jmp puzzle launchpad
Fixed office building ladder angle
Fixed gaps between doors & doorframes, geometry gaps
Planter material fix
Missing rods collision on giant floodlights
Splat painting pass
Added Pine Tree Fellable, testbox_tree_cutting scene
"Armour" test: removed block, now 100% hit chance, but attacks have the following dmg reduction: Front = 2, sides = 1, back = 0.
Grabber pull no longer does dmg to friendly units again
Merging in the latest from Main into my server performance branch
Big editor/inspector performance improvements
Now picking up rabbits works for some reason
rabbits should be carryable now
Cleaning up how UI modal state
Fixed game not running from test scenes
Use a partition key for Single query
Slack Encouragement becomes General
GameUser partition lookup
Session/GameState cleanup
Control points now have 30 pts each instead of 50
More cleanup
Renamed Before static to Game
Current Session held by Game, not GameManager
Various Session related cleanup, summaries
Moved some Zone+Biome seasonal stuff to LoadBiome where it should be
Potential Zone.LoadWeather NRE fix
Moved GetAttachmentPointOffset from BaseEntity to Attachable
Comments & summaries for some bits
Fixed EntityEx.IsInView NRE
Possible fix for divergence when player was shooting while resetting the stage
Stage update method cleanup to make it harder to break determinism
_stat is broken on Windows XP, use GetFileAttributesEx
TribeStartArea stripped down, now simply defines a radius around itself for spawning
Various scene cleanup, navmesh rebakes
server can now send map to client