userBill Bcancel

1,542 Commits over 1,705 Days - 0.04cph!

6 Months Ago
Merge MoreDroppedItemFixes -> main
6 Months Ago
Update player eyes properly while they're looking in a mirror
6 Months Ago
Fixed tunnel hurt trigger damaging players at the sides
6 Months Ago
Reinstate hurt trigger on tunnel entrance, after prefab corruption fix
6 Months Ago
Revert corrupted train tunnel entrance
6 Months Ago
Fixed rocking chair position and rotation issues when parented to a moving tugboat
6 Months Ago
Merge MoreDroppedItemFixes -> main
6 Months Ago
Reduced the effect of gravity on trains further, from 50% to 33%. Those train tunnel entrances are steep!
6 Months Ago
Added hurt triggers inside train tunnel entrances
6 Months Ago
Merge SAMSiteFix -> Main
6 Months Ago
Made sure that wherever we raise the default sleep threshold, we don't end up lowering it if the convar is already set higher
6 Months Ago
Raised the base physics sleep threshold in Rust from 0.005 (half a centimetre per second) to 0.02 (2 centimetres per second). Can still be adjusted with physics.sleepthreshold convar.
6 Months Ago
Merge DroppedItemsOnVehicles -> Main
6 Months Ago
Merge DroppedItemsOnVehicles -> main
6 Months Ago
Fixed unintended issues from 86687 StaticSolid layer mask change. Reinstated Vehicle_Large into the mask in some situations.
6 Months Ago
Fixed corrupted 2module_flatbed prefab
7 Months Ago
Define player heli engine starting flag
7 Months Ago
Show the old default BaseEntity.Flags inspector if we don't find an associated entity
7 Months Ago
Any inspector dropdowns that set an Entity.Flags mask now show, in brackets, any custom defined names for those flags in the full class hierarchy of the nearest parent entity.
7 Months Ago
New "Print defined flags" context menu option for BaseEntity, that prints out the list of flags that have been defined in the class heirarchy. Fixed the flags list in EntityFlag_ToggleEditor not including private or protected flag defines.
7 Months Ago
Merge IsVisibleRedo -> Main
7 Months Ago
Merge EntityFlagToggleWarning -> Main
7 Months Ago
Final car explosion force edits
7 Months Ago
Another explosion force edit
7 Months Ago
Reduce the effect of anti-vehicle damage on vehicle explosion forces. Makes the force from HV rockets vs. cars less extreme, more like the force from basic rockets.
7 Months Ago
Reduced explosion force push on modular cars
7 Months Ago
█▅▋█▇█ ▉▌█▌▄ █▋▄ ▆██▆▄, ▄▊ ▉▄▅ ▊▆▅▆▅▇▋ ▄▋▌█▊▅▊▄ ▉█▆▊ █▆▆▊▅
7 Months Ago
Only show No Respawn HUD icon when on a tugboat
7 Months Ago
Fixed turning a new autoturret on not disabling other turrets in range that now have too many nearby, if they have more in their radius than we do in ours
7 Months Ago
S2P compound, for the water catcher changes (fix water catcher NRE on new saves).
7 Months Ago
Merge Attack Helicopter -> Main
7 Months Ago
Don't show HML ADS UI if not in first-person view
7 Months Ago
Merge HomingMissileLauncher -> Main
7 Months Ago
Subtract 87804, fix skin shader error from uv123-tangent-basis-fix merge.
7 Months Ago
Fixed modular cars not being pushed by explosion force if hit in a way where only the module(s) took damage, and not the base chassis. Reduced overall car explosion force to compensate for the fix.
7 Months Ago
Switched my inventory loadout back to standard rocket launcher
7 Months Ago
Removed accidental include
7 Months Ago
Minor edit to SceneLoader; formatting
7 Months Ago
Gave SceneLoader some extra checks and scenes, plus keyboard shortcuts. Removed "Open Bootstrap Scene" from the Rust Editor menu and moved it to the new Scenes menu.
7 Months Ago
Merge HomingMissileLauncher -> Main
7 Months Ago
Quick compile fix, needs a proper fix
7 Months Ago
Manifest rebuild
7 Months Ago
Merge HomingMissileLauncher -> Main. Adds ADS.
7 Months Ago
A couple of very minor edits to buoyancy.cs
7 Months Ago
Make certain that we never shore drift RHIB on cargo ship
7 Months Ago
Don't do world edge repel on kinematic rigidbodies
7 Months Ago
Fixed corrupted block.stair.lshape.adobe building prefab. Rebuilt manifest with the prefab back in.
7 Months Ago
Added a slight offset to the maxDistance clamp, to make sure very small distances are handled OK
7 Months Ago
Speed up entity IsVisible test performance by capping maxDistance to the maximum of the distance between the two points
7 Months Ago
Admin tools now also allow disabling the Performance Text UI