userBill Bcancel

13,234 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

3 Years Ago
Fix spline data assignment. Previously if two prefabs shared the same data but one changed, it would incorrectly update the data for both. Now checking the prefab path
3 Years Ago
▌▌▉▆█ ▉▍▊▋ ▆▋▌▆█▅▊▉ ▄▌▍█▍▌ ▅▅▆▆. ▇▌█▌▋ ▊▅▋█ ▍▊▆▋▌▊▉██ █▊▇▅▌ ▄▆▌▊█▍▄▇▄▆▆ ▊▌ ▇█▄ ▅▄▋▋ ▊▌ ▌▄▅▌▇▇ ▊▊ ▉ ▍▆▄▇▉.
3 Years Ago
▇▉▌▍▄ ▊▉▅▊▍▄▄▉▍█ ▄▅█▌▊ -> ▆▊▊▋
3 Years Ago
▋▆▅▋▉ ▋▄▊▉▉▆▆
3 Years Ago
▆▇▄▅▅ ▅▋▅ ▅█▄, ▍▋▌ ▊▉█▍▋▄
3 Years Ago
▋▄▇ ▍▋▆▆▊▄ ▄▇▅▄▇▍
3 Years Ago
▅▋▊▋ ▆█▌▅▌▋▉ ▇▇▌▆ ▆▊▊ ▊▆█▅▊ ▊█▋▆▄▍▋▆
3 Years Ago
▅▅▆▆ ▇▊ ▍▅▊▍▅▋▄▋▌, ▄▋█▊▉▆▋▆ ▍ ▆█▉▋█▅▉
3 Years Ago
▉▇▅▊ ▄▄▉▊▆ ▌▍█ ▍▆▋▅▉▉▉▇ ▌▍▋▍▍▉
3 Years Ago
█▉▍ ▇▇ ▌▍▊▉ ▊█▋▌
3 Years Ago
▍▆▆▅▌▍█▅█ ▆▋▍▅ ▉▌▋▉
3 Years Ago
▇▍▉ ▍█▄▄▊▆▍▄▅█▄▅▅▅▊▇▆▋ ▄█▅▆; ▇▄▍▇ ▆██-▊▊▋▉█▄▋█ █▄ ▄▆▍▌▌ ▄▅▅ ▋▆▆▉█▇▉▇ ▋▄▍▄▆ ▍█▉▉▋▆ ▊▋ ▄▌▌ ▋▋▍▅▆▇ ▉▄▋▆ ▉▆▅▄▆▇▄▄▇▋█ █▋▄▋, ▇▆▄▋▉█▊ █▇▋ ▋█▇ ▅█▉▍▆▄█ ▆█▉▉▍. ▉▊▋▄█▇▍ ▌█ ▍▄█ ▆▆▋▍ ▋▋ ▆█ ▍ ▊▌▌▆▉▅▊▊▉▍▋█▌▍▋▌▇▍ ▇▌▊▍ ▆▇▄ ▊▄▇██ ▊▆▅▍▌▋ ▍▌▌▆ ▆▅▌ ▍▆▍█▆▍▅█▌▍▊ ▆▋▊▉ ▅ ▌▄▇▅▅.
3 Years Ago
▆▊▍▆▌ ▄█▊ ▆▍▅▍▍▍ ▉▅▋▊ ▅▅▋▄
3 Years Ago
▊▇▆▄▇▅▍ ▅▅▉▇ ▅▆ ▇▌▉▇ ▄▄▋▉▋▍▍▇▉▇
3 Years Ago
Simpler SAM site check for now. Keep the check of whether the HAB is inflated, but remove the checks for vehicle occupancy.
3 Years Ago
Merge SamSiteVsHAB -> Main. SAM sites now ignore uninflated hot air balloons, and ignore grounded vehicles with no one inside (airbourne HABs or helis with no one inside are still targeted).
3 Years Ago
Compilation fix
3 Years Ago
Sam sites no longer target grounded minicopters with nobody mounted. When in allTarget mode, all grounded vehicles with no one mounted are ignored. OLD BEHAVIOUR: - alltarget ON targets all BaseCombatEntities nearby at a higher elevation - alltarget OFF targets any Hot Air Balloon/Minicopter/Scrap Heli nearby at a higher elevation NEW: Same as above, but both scenarios have an additional check to only fire on vehicle targets if they have someone mounted OR they are an air vehicle that is currently in the air
3 Years Ago
SAM site don't target Hot Air Ballons that aren't inflated
3 Years Ago
Update SamSite "allTarget" var description to be more accurate
3 Years Ago
Merge WorkcartRotation -> Workcart
3 Years Ago
Flip everything around in code to cover the rotated train
3 Years Ago
Update mount point
3 Years Ago
Update glass and glass FX to new rotation
3 Years Ago
Merge CarLockTooltipEdit -> Main. Don't show the car lock tooltip so often.
3 Years Ago
▆▉█▇█ ▆▆▄▆▍▆▆▆▄▄▉█▇▇▍▄▄▄▊▄█▇ -> ▋▆▉▉. ▆▆▌▆█▍▆▆ ▍█▋▇▍ █▉▍▌▄▉▆ ▇▆▊▌▅█▌ ▇▄ ▍▉▌▋█▄▍█ ▌▊▉▅▄▇▉ ▆▋▅▆ ███▊▊▆▅ ▍▉ ▍▅▍ ▄▍▆▄▌▍▉ █▇▊ ▉▄▇ ▍ ▄▆▌▅ ▉▇▇ ▊▌▊ ▉▌▅█▇▄ ▇█▊▋ █▅▌ ▇▋▇▆ ▊ ▌▌▌. ▇▇▋▅▌ ▅██▋ ▊█▅▊▉▍▌▄▅▇ ▆▅█▊█ ▍█▉▇ ▆▅ ▋▌▄▋▆ ▉▇▇█ ▌▌▍ ▍▅▄▄▆▋▋ ▉▅ █ █▉▊▍▋▇ ▆█▉▄▆▉▍▊ ▅▌▆▇█▋▋ █▇▅██▇ ▌▆▋▊▊▄▆▇ █▅ ▇▌▄▄▄ ▇▌ ▋▇▆ ▇▍██ █▄▇▊▍▅.
3 Years Ago
Improved data index system for the world splines. Fixes new data getting generated sometimes by re-scanning for existing data. Also allows different prefabs with the exact same spline data to share the same data.
3 Years Ago
Merge Workcart -> WorkcartRotation
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Allow player to see the tooltip for as long as they're looking at the lock. Only start the timer until it shows again when they look away.
3 Years Ago
Only show the info on how to break a car's lock at most once every five minutes, instead of every time the player looks at the lock (fixes it showing up too much if e.g. a player who doesn't have access is riding on the back in a flatbed)
3 Years Ago
Added profiling for train code.
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Workcart
3 Years Ago
Merge /Workcart/SharedSplineData -> /Workcart
3 Years Ago
Another major refactor to the spline data. Use one single central SerializableObject to store data on all splines. And instead of calculating all the lookup tables at runtime, precalculate everything and store it in the SerializableObject itself, so at runtime the whole thing is a simple lookup. Delete the PathInterpolatorLUT class and handle it all in WorldSplineData.
3 Years Ago
Workcart merge ⛙
3 Years Ago
Fixed 72m trail tunnel stop spline not going all the way
3 Years Ago
All shared track section data now stored in automatically-generated separate ScriptableObjects
3 Years Ago
Update track collation description
3 Years Ago
Attempting to break out the shared components of the world splines, so that shared spline data can be saved per prefab instead of per spline instance. Not using true shared data yet, but shared vs. not shared and local vs. world are now split out
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Workcart
3 Years Ago
▊▊▇▉▊▄▇ ▊▄▄▉█ ▄▍▊▅▉▅▉ █▉▆▉▊▇▇ ▊▉ ▉▉█▌▍▉▆█ ▆▉▅▍▍▋▅ █▉▊▆ ▍█▆▍▋▄▇ ▇▇ ▅▋▆ ▇▇▌▄▉▉▋ ▉▉▊ ▆▍▍ ▍ ▊█▌▅ ▄▄▊ ▄▋▅ ▇▉▋▋▉▅ ▍▇█▇ ▋▉▅ ▋▊▌▌ ▅ ▋▆▆. ▆▄▋█▌ ▉▆▄▊ ▉▆▊▊▊▍▌▍▍▇ ▋▌█▊▆ ▅▇▄▉ ▅▆ ▉▇█▍▅ ▉▍▇▊ ▉▋▇ ▋▌█▌▉▅▊ ▍▌ ▅ ▇▉▇▋▇▉ ▇▉▉▊▌█▍▍ ▆▊█▇▍▊▆ ▌▍▉▋▌▋ ▆▌▍▌▅█▇▍ ▍▉ ▇▆▇▍▄ ▄▄ █▇▌ ▉▉▌▊ ▇▄▅▍▉▉.
3 Years Ago
Fix colliding train not moving after side collision train moves away
3 Years Ago
WorkCart now handles side-on collisions with other trains at crossings
3 Years Ago
Minor edits to collision handling
3 Years Ago
Increase collision damage, remove unused var
3 Years Ago
Set up a perpendicular rail crossing on my test map
3 Years Ago
Fixed snow machine not adapting its collision mesh on the server if in listen-server mode
3 Years Ago
Have the snow machine create a collision mesh on the server as well as the existing collision and visual meshes it generates on the client. Allows sled to work on snow machine snow (previously only worked on listen server)
3 Years Ago
Fix socket check against snow machine terrain still not working sometimes (let it cast 0.1m further)