
31,134 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.33cph!

2 Months Ago
merge from voice_chat_cctv
2 Months Ago
radioactive_changed_removal -> main
2 Months Ago
Merge from analytics_add_persistent_work_queue
2 Months Ago
Fix server build error
2 Months Ago
report_copy_steamid -> main
2 Months Ago
Merge from gesturepack
2 Months Ago
Merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
Merge from relationship_manager_dangling_profiler_sample_fix
2 Months Ago
Double clicking on a selection history entry now calls AssetDatabase.OpenAsset
2 Months Ago
Merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
Merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
▍▆▊▌▅ █▉█▊▅▋▇ ▇█▋▍▆▅ ▅▇█▋▍▅▇▅▉ █▇▄ ▆▍▆ ▊▋▄▄▆▅▇ ▉▅▌▌▍▍▆▆ ▅▌▊█▍▊▌▆ ▇▉▉▍ ▌▅ ▅▊▍▋▄▋▊▋ ▌ ▍▄▋▌▇ ▌▄▅▇▍▇▆ ██▋▄▉▋ (▉▊▉ ▋▅▉▇▄▆▍ ▆▌█▉█▄▊ █▅▌▉▇ ▆▇ ▅▄█▌▊▆▅ ▊▉▄ ▄▄▇▅▌▆█▇▊/▅▍██▋▌█▋▇ ▍▋▅▆▇▅▉)
2 Months Ago
Merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
merge from Halloween24
2 Months Ago
merge from Halloween24
2 Months Ago
Merge from gesturepack
2 Months Ago
Fixed halloween hunt score announcement typo
2 Months Ago
Merge: from requesttrees_spike - Fixes NRE when players disconnect during tree streaming (fixed by discarding those players early) Tests: in Editor CLIENT+SERVER mode disconnected before 4k proc-map streamed in - server was gud
2 Months Ago
removed random water body
2 Months Ago
merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
Merge from halloween24
2 Months Ago
merge from Halloween24
2 Months Ago
▅▇▌▉▇ ▌█▅▊ ██_▊▉▄▋_▋▋▋▉▉▌▄▅▋
2 Months Ago
▇▉▋▌▉ █▉▊▄ ▊▌_█▉▆▊_▊▇▋▅▉▅▌▄▆ (▇█▆ ▄▌▊▊▋▊ ▄▌▄█▉▌█▄ ▆▅▅█ ▌▍▇▆▊▇▍▍▇, ▆▉▉ ▉█▄▆▉▌█ ▄▅▌▉▇ ▉▅▋▍▋█▌▊ ▌▋ ▉▉▌▋▅ ▆▊▌▆▋▇)
2 Months Ago
▆▌▉▉▌ ▆▌▊▆ ██_▌█▅█_▌▋▄▄▆▇█▍▅ (▌▊▄ ▇▅▌█▆▆▌▋ ▌██▋, ▄█▊▋█▇ ▉▍▆▋▍▊▆▉ ▅▄ ▌▌█▋)
3 Months Ago
▅▆▌█▇ ▅▋█▊ ▋▆_█▌▆▊_▅▆▋█▌▌▇▅▆ (▉▅▆ ▄▅▅▋██ ▉▍▋▊█▊▊▆ █▍▌▋)
3 Months Ago
▄▄▄▊▉ ▊▍█▅ ▇▆_▆▄▅▌_▊▊▆▇▆▇▇█▌
3 Months Ago
▊▇▌▅▇ ▊▌█▅ ██_▋▄▌▊_▊▌▇▍▄▅█▋▆ (▊▆▄ ▊▊▍▇▅█▄▍▌▄▌ ▆▇▍▍▉▉▆, ▅▅█ ▉▌█▍▋▍▆▆▊▉▉▄▉▅▋ ▅▄▇▇▄▌▋)
3 Months Ago
▆▍▉██ █▍██ ▇▆_▊▍▇▆_▍▊▊▇▉▆▄▄▉ (█▅▅▄▉▆▆▇▉ █▇▍ ▌▌█ ▌▄▌▍▄▊ ▋▊▅█▍, ▌▍▋█ ▌▅▍▍ ▄▆▆▍▌▅▄▌ ▄█▄▇ ▅▌▆█▉█)
3 Months Ago
merge from fix_crafting_queue_wrong_item
3 Months Ago
merge from planter_night_rainfall_fix
3 Months Ago
merge from launchsite_flow_fix
3 Months Ago
merge from dpv_fixes
3 Months Ago
merge to main surrendering_duck
3 Months Ago
merge from frontier_hatchet_bc_fixes
3 Months Ago
merge from hempcolor
3 Months Ago
Merge from thirdperson_orbit_cam
3 Months Ago
▋▇█▇ ▄▌▊▌▅█▉▄
3 Months Ago
▊▉▆▄▆ ▉▄▌█ ▆▅_▇▆▌▍_▇▄▇▍▉▋▄▋█ (▊▊▄ ▋▄▌▅█▌▆ ▅▌▆█▅▄ █▆▌▉▋▊▍ ▇▊█▅▍▅, █▍▉▌▋▇▊ ▉▇▋ ▉▄▊▉▄▊▅▄▊▆)
3 Months Ago
▇▊▆▍▋ ▌▉▌▅ ▉▌_▉▇▊▍_▄▌▅▋▋█▉▄▍ (▊▅█ ▉▆▋█▌▌▍ ▋▇▍▊▇▇▋█ ▅█▉▌▉ ▆▊▅▄ █▌ █▍▌▉ ▆▆▉█▄▉ █▄▍▋ █▍▉▅ ▆▋▇▍▍▇▊ █▌▊▆)
3 Months Ago
▆▆▊▅▅ ▌▍▋▅ ▊▍_▇▌▉▇_▄█▅▉▊▇▊▊▅ (▍▄▉▉▄▇ ▉▋▊ ▋▍▄ ▇▅▄▋ ▉▆.▉▉▆▋▌▄▌▄▄)
3 Months Ago
Merge: from requesttrees_spike Removes the "server_requesttrees" lag spike on player connect by spreading out the processing over the next frames. Server owners can disable this via `TreeManager.EnableTreeStreaming 0` and adjust it's performance via `PlayerBudgetMS`, `UpdateBudgetMS` and `CellSize` admin servervars. Tests: Booted Procgen 6k world - took ~3.5min to stream entire world to a player at 10 server fps, with no visual deterioration.
3 Months Ago
▊▊█▊█ ▅▆▋▍ ▄▋_▄▄▍▅_▌▉▄▌▉▍▆▆▅ (▇▇▅ █▌▇▍▌_▅▅▌▍▋█▉ ▄▊▍▋▉▉▌▄ ▊▇▊▄▄▅ ▉▅▇ ▇▇▆▅▍▌)
3 Months Ago
▄▉▋▉▉ ▅▉▋▍ ▅▄_▆▉█▇_▌█▅▅▆▋▇▆▋ (▄▌▉ ▉▆▄▄▉▉ ▉█▌▍ ▄█▇ ▆▇▍▌▍ ▋▌▆▍█▆▆ ▊▊ ▇▋▇▍▉ ▋▉▍█ ▍▅▉▋▍▄▉▍▇)
3 Months Ago
Merge from elevator_world_deploy_fix
3 Months Ago
Merge from set_local_player_visible
3 Months Ago
Merge from demo_shot_delete_fix
3 Months Ago
▄▍▌▆▇ ▊▉▄▋ █▋_▍█▊█_▄▆▊▇▇▌▌▍▇ (█▋▍ ▄▋▄)
3 Months Ago
▋▆▋▌ ▅▊▇ ▄▋▉▍█ █▇ ▆▄▉▊▍▅▊▍ ▆▋ ▌▉▅▅▇▆█▊ ▅██▆▅▉▆ (▆█▆▉█▅▊ ▊▍▌█▊▌ ▇▋▋▋ ▄▍▍▊█▆▋ ▉▅▆▇▄ ▌▄ ▌▄█▊▊ ██ ▋▉▆▌▆ ▆▌▉▉▇█▊▋ ▆▅▉▊▌▆▉▍▇▍▇)