
31,132 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.33cph!

57 Days Ago
Merge: from remove_editor_update - Removes last editor-only update invoke case with many invocations(saves a measly 0.1ms). - `` accepts absolute paths Tests: setup an industrial chain with a chest provider and a crafter and linked those up - debug vizualization worked. Loaded a demo outside of demos folder.
57 Days Ago
merge from qol_teleport2grid -> main
57 Days Ago
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57 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration (huge perf boost)
57 Days Ago
Merge: from remove_editor_update Removes around 1.5ms from 6k world in the editor and fixes longstanding bugs with the decal editing. Tests: Created a bunch of decals, modified their properties(changes visible), deleted them(no NREs), ran in game - still visible.
57 Days Ago
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57 Days Ago
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57 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
57 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
57 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
57 Days Ago
Merge from qol_teleport2grid -> main
57 Days Ago
Merge from spawn_debris_pool_fix
57 Days Ago
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57 Days Ago
Merge from RF_optim/RFManager
57 Days Ago
Merge from fix_barricades_train_tunnels
57 Days Ago
Merge from wearable_down_limit_fix
57 Days Ago
Merge from demo_shot_delete_fix
57 Days Ago
Merge from cui_pr_61
57 Days Ago
S2P radtown to try and eliminate missing materials in middle building (will cause a conflict with save_260, this change should be disregarded when merging)
57 Days Ago
merge from fix_radiation_rounding_damage -> main
57 Days Ago
Merge from fix_ddraw_text_ztest -> main
57 Days Ago
merge from fix_map_focus_light -> main
57 Days Ago
merge from community_ui_inventory -> main
57 Days Ago
merge from fix_jug_dump_leaving_water -> main
57 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
57 Days Ago
merge from qol_map_marker_num -> main
57 Days Ago
Merge from ai_wolf_iteration
58 Days Ago
merge from qol_map_marker_num -> main
58 Days Ago
timed_explosive_hit_normal -> main
58 Days Ago
timed_explosive_hit_normal -> main
58 Days Ago
npc_spawn_on_cargo_fix -> main
58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
Merge: from vehicle_optims Saves 0.5ms on a 6k world by avoiding iterating over unmounted mountables Tests: On craggy drove a kayak. On 6k world confirmed that the profiling scope shrunk to 0
58 Days Ago
merge from entity_bounds_pass_projectile
58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
58 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
58 Days Ago
Merge from scrollrect_disable
58 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
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58 Days Ago
npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship_fix -> main
58 Days Ago
npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship_fix -> main
58 Days Ago
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59 Days Ago
merge from halloween24
59 Days Ago
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