
110,898 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!

52 Days Ago
Fixed gesture pack id Disabled force unlock on new gestures, now requires pack to be owned to be used or placed in a gesture wheel
52 Days Ago
Fixed release interaction showing up for all clients and not only for the pulling player
52 Days Ago
Fixed battering ram going crazy when hit by an HV Set repair target items for ballista and catapult
52 Days Ago
Set the battering ram door position sync to fixed update Battering ram protobuf
52 Days Ago
Wip battering ram head install system
52 Days Ago
updated t1 smg name lowered max ammo capacity of Handmade SMG
52 Days Ago
▉▌▊▋▊▄▇ ▆▆▅▉ ▌▊▌█
52 Days Ago
▄▉▍▉▆▅ ▍▋▅▌▌
52 Days Ago
siege tower bug fixes. added construction meshes
52 Days Ago
Update: Emit all 10 frames of snapshot - Also emitting UnityFrame as a CompleteEvent, so it's always visible in the profiler - UnityFrames are now numbered This produces a 160mb snapshot on Craggy (taken immediately after spawning), will need testing on larger worlds (and this is before proper labels) Tests: opened snapshot in perfetto - saw all 10 frames
52 Days Ago
sculpting progress - corrected offset to align pivot to bottom of block - basic carving, takes a small radius chunk out on-hit with piercing damage - corrected mesh update to clear previous data correctly - corrected physics mesh bake to assign collider back correctly
52 Days Ago
Update: Synthesize missing OnEnter profiling marks This restore the profile's structure Test: opened snapshot in perfetto
52 Days Ago
Added GraphicsSettings convar factory. Added commented out list of all Unity graphics quality setting variables ready to start adding as convars.
52 Days Ago
Update: first export of profiling snapshot - Also filtering out System and System.Core from annotation (otherwise we produce too much data, even for 1 frame) - Also added timestamp utility functions (as trace format requires micros) Not super reliable - need to post-process gathered data to get rid of torn marks Tests: opened trace in perfetto - although wonky, it's there
52 Days Ago
▊▆▇▋▄ █▌▊▍ ▅▊▄▉
52 Days Ago
More checks to small rock formations Increased radiuses on all small rock formation checks
52 Days Ago
Fix wolves dying when stranded in an environment they don't like (eg seaside) Fix wolves roaming too far from their territory, potentially straying from their pack Halve wolf territory size
52 Days Ago
- Fixed weird starting health of doors - Healing any door heals them all
52 Days Ago
Update: minor improvements to ServerProfiler - Added a smidge more debug to track the growth of per-frame lazy storage - Added output of how long each frame took Tests: ran the perfsnapshot command
52 Days Ago
Ensured main door isnt able to be picked up
52 Days Ago
Update: add profile.perfsnapshot command Currently just outputs gathered marks telemetry for sanity checking - will expand more once happy with results. Tests: ran the command and confirmed output
52 Days Ago
Update: more improvements and debug to ServerProfiler - Added tracking of thread IDs - Only gather main thread marks (have thread races in my lock-free approach, so delaying this till later) - Add tracking of assemblies to which the method belongs - Filter our mscorlib assembly from instrumenting - rewrote code to use ref semantics Still chasing why consecurtive snapshots seem to double-up in size on frames 2-10. Tests: ran a bunch of profile snapshots (next frame) and looked at the output. It works but has above weird behavior.
52 Days Ago
▋▆█▄█ ▉▆▅▌▍▄▋▌▅▆ ▇█▍▌ ▋ ▆▆▌▊▉▋▅▄ ▅█▅▍█ ▋▋ ▆▋▅▇▄▉█▋ ▉▅ ▄▅▄▉▊▊▉ ▇▋▅▉█▌▉ ▊▇▅▍█▋▄ ▇▅▇▄▉ ▆▊ ▋▆▋ █▇█▉▊ ▅▉ ▉▋▊ ▊▊▊▆ ▌▍▊▋▊██▇▋ ▄▊▄▋▉▅█▌ ▊█ ▇▄▅█▍▍▆ (▉█▊▄█)
52 Days Ago
Battering ram back door wheels logic
52 Days Ago
Convert timestamps to double to prevent precision loss if the server runs for a long time
52 Days Ago
Fix wolf being unable to switch target
52 Days Ago
sculpture changes and cleanup - controls for scaling and offset - mesh collider has correct mesh assigned - removed rpc for switching between native/managed (only native now)
52 Days Ago
Fix wolves not fleeing when hit from far away with molotov or fire arrows
52 Days Ago
- █▋▄▉▍ ▄▌▅▇█▆█▊ ▌▌▌▇▉▉ ▅▊ ▆▋█▇▄▌ ▊▌▋▋▌▉ █▊▋▌ ▍▆▆▇▅▌▅▌ █▄▌▇▅▆▅▊ ▆▋▅ ▍▊▅▍▆▆ ▆▊▋ ▇ ▌▅▆▅ ▍█▆▆▌█ █▊ ▉▍ ▄▄▇▋█▊▅▇ ▋█▋▅▌▇ ▄▅▌ ▆██▉▍ - ▉▆▅▌▌▇█ ▆▋ ▇▄▆ ▍▆▌ █▅▅▆▉ █▌▇▌▉▍▆▊▊▅, ▆▅▇▄█▅ ▊▉ ▋▋▌ ▉▊█▅ ▊█▌▆▇▅▇▆ ▄▉ ▋▌▆▆▍▅▋▊ ▊▅▍▌▌▋ ▋▌ ▉▇█ ▊▌▆▌▊▍ █▇ █▆▍▍▌▆▉▋▆▇ ▆▌ ▊▄▍▍ ▇ ▅▋▊▄█▉▉▍▋▇
52 Days Ago
merge from main
52 Days Ago
fixed cctv gibs not receiving proper materials
52 Days Ago
▍▌▍▌▊ █▉▊▍▇▄▄▉▇ ▋▍▅▊█▍▆▉▆ - ▇▄▅▆▌▄ ▇▊▄▇▇▉
53 Days Ago
added missing textures/material for t1smg for paddy
53 Days Ago
Separated digger arm scoop to submesh
53 Days Ago
assigned wooden shield viewmodel animator to improvised shield
53 Days Ago
Merge from main
53 Days Ago
Merge from main
53 Days Ago
▉▋▅▌▇ ▆▆▊▆ ▆▋▅▍▄▍▆▆▍▄_▉▇▅▍_█▋▅▆▅▅▄█_▇▋▄
53 Days Ago
▄██▊▌ ▇▌▅▅ ▌▍_▇▆▉▆_▉▋▇▄▅▆▌▋_▅▊▉█▉
53 Days Ago
▉▅▋██ █▇▊▄ /█▆▉▉▍▉▍/▇▋▄▋▄▊▉/
53 Days Ago
S2P cave_small_hard & cave_medium_hard - resolves oversized rock
53 Days Ago
merge from save_260
53 Days Ago
Added store icon
53 Days Ago
Merge from main
53 Days Ago
Merge from gesturepack
53 Days Ago
Icon quality improvements
53 Days Ago
Parent merge
53 Days Ago
Fix shields hud merge
53 Days Ago
Target normal orientation implemented.
53 Days Ago
merge from qol_io_arrows -> main