116,372 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in bunker_rooms_dressing
Scene2prefab bunker_rooms_dressing
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in airfield
Scene2prefab airfield
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in water_treatment_plant
Scene2prefab water_treatment_plant
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in launch_site
Scene2prefab launch_site
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in trainyard
Scene2prefab trainyard
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in powerplant
Scene2prefab powerplant
Scene2prefab military tunnels
Added LightLOD to all shadow casting lights in military tunnels
Updated anims & controller, added shake effect
Fixed uneven camera movement due to Unity's rigidbody interpolation
Disabled shadows on military tunnel clone vat point lights
[D11] Try the official version in unity hub
[D11] Now handles custom prebuilt versions of unity
[D11] Removed hardcoded IP address
[D11] Start to add back anything we care about
[D11] Reimported all audio clips with rules for import settings as defined in AudioClipProcessor, try to make good choices about which to stream and which to compress and load. Actually I committed some of these by mistake with another changelist, these are the remaining files.
Fixed impostor sometimes sticking around after tree is killed
[D11] compute the pre-filtered warmup list from the prefabProperties list in the game manifest, at design time instead of at run time. It was taking a very long time to run on ps4 (45 seconds in debug)
change the standard asset bundles to chunk-based, seems to produce results that all fit within 4GB as long as you do a clean build by deleting the existing bundles (why is this?)
Disabled graphics jobs on staging for side by side comparison with release
[D11] WIP faster warmup with warmup bundle - needs bundles re-built with USE_WARMUP_BUNDLE enabled. Currently I call FileSystem_Warmup.run immediately after AssetBundleBackend is constructed, just for quicker testing.
Minor ai balance tweak for Military Tunnel.
Fixed missing billboard on oak_e
[D11] Disabled anti-hack move validation on a server running auto-bot tests.
[D11] Fixes for new UI scripts causing serialisation errors on a bundle build.
[D11] Re-disabled compression on server asset bundle build to improve build times, and re-added a line lost in the merge for applying script-overridden build defines (probably wouldn't have affected most people).
Small AI tweaks at Military Tunnels.
Fixed blueprint icon sometimes being incorrect in loot UI
[D11] Make D11Jenkinsfile use correct branch
ai.move is false by default in the editor
[D11] Simplify for debugging
Nuked GC allocs in PostEffectsBase and ImageEffectComposite
Fixed options menu not showing on first try
Rowboat uses LOD Group instead of Renderer LOD
Changed tree impostor draw layer; now properly toggled along with trees
Fixed terrain texture earray mip generation
Updated terrain texture array lods
Removed some culling related profiler samples
Added occlusion culling graphics option (experimental section); on by default, mapped to culling.env