116,337 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed junkpile scientists not attacking back when hurt.
Scene2Prefab Military Tunnels.
Tweaked scientist HP
Tweaked respawn timers at Military Tunnels.
Scientists throw grenades at Military Tunnels.
Another pass over animal roaming.
Updated scientist spawns at Cargo Ship.
More robust line of sight sensor for Scientists.
Fixed reload bug in non-moving scientists.
Updated scientist spawns.
Updated scientist spawns at Cargo Ship
Give up when no valid ocean patrol path has been found after
100000 iterations (instead of stalling the server forever)
Added ladder trigger prefab for Rust.World
Attempt to make action caching suck less
Initial setup required for AI spawning.
Fixed skins occasionally not displaying correctly (RUST-17)
Merged from main via branch (updated manifest)
Merge from main (manifest conflict)
Candles/damagedbooks/old sofa rgba textures - the .mat file isn't showing again.
[D11] Added ForceDebug=true to xb1 build to prevent crash on boot when using script debugging
Disabled read/write on a few textures (mostly trees)
Merge from swamp_tree_performance
[D11] Get rid of _outgoingData not needed anymore.
[D11] [UI] fix for old HUD null reference error
Updated Facepunch.System memory pool to latest version
Cleaned up plugins folder
A bit more work on Scientist AI.
Standalone build now allows for local server/client connection (currently uses CraggyIsland and can be accessed pressing the steam workshop button on main menu) For this to work it uses a special unstripped assetbundle.
Currently has no cleanup code and only tested on windows/editor.
Added "AssetBundle/for client+server" script that should build out the asset bundle without any client/server stripping
Added "Build/Client/ win64 with local server" Should build out exe with local server enabled
Added "Switch/Allow Local Server" for adding the correct defines to enable local servers (ALLOW_LOCAL_SERVER)
Added use EDITOR_ASSET_BUNDLE to allow the editor to use assetbundles (added mainly to test that prefabs weren't getting stripped)
Swamp tree atlases
Modified swamp trees to render as a single drawcall per tree
[D11] Implemented SendBroadcast in LiteNetLib
Scientist work without Navmesh/movement (turret-like).
Slightly faster tree mesh sort
bigwheel no longer shares workbench phrases
Phrases rebuild
LootPanels Scene2Prefab
Hide Signs convar, option
Tweaked LOD cell distance mode switching
Force rebuild of tree mesh count when doing full LOD refresh (i.e. when changing convars)