117,217 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Log game object name when encountering SkinnedMeshCollision without SkinnedMeshCollider (RUST-1645)
Fixed metal chest plate rig in prefab (RUST-1637)
Added OpenGL core to Windows (for asset bundles)
Fixed RustBuilder not building all all platforms as debug build
bit of overgrowth for preview
Spinner wheel sounds
Water lapping sound polish
fixed rare issue where a dead helicopter could enter a strafe
animals align to terrain height/slope
animals try and face attack target
Rocket factory site / texturing pass / backup
Disabled ImageEffectTransformsToLDR on tonemapper until gamma bug is fixed
Fixed metal chest plate (sometimes?) being invisible (RUST-1637)
Added BufferList to Rust.Global (list that exposes its backing array for fast iteration)
Optimized InvokeHandler and UpdateHandler by reducing their iteration overhead
ListHashSet and ListDictionary use BufferList and take an initial capacity in their constructor
Fixed spikes when removing entity
20023 to try a different way
Fixed torch light culling mask
Ai doesn't eat when it's got threats
Fixed AI quickly running back to previous spot when running fast
Ai bit more afraid of humans
Fixed Ai floating off ground slightly
Fixed player collision corruption on die / respawn cycle (RUST-1642)
Improved performance of removing from Grid<>
Balanced animal favour running in straight line
animal footstep import settings
merge from main/footsteps2
Fix animal footstep sounds
Add new bear footsteps from a while back
Added UpdateHandler and UpdateBehaviour (offer DeltaUpdate that can efficiently sleep for x seconds)
Optimized LightEx using DeltaUpdate (update rate now decreases smoothly with distance from camera)
Fixed game object creation error in editor when stopping game
searchlight beam cherry pick
Fixed dark censorship (RUST-1625)
Rocket factory/interior progress
Launch_site terrain setup
Backup/progress core
Ai should sense corpses too
Reduced animal mesh compression
Attack damage is a variable on the npc
Ai senses - memory filter (should fix ai not seeing players)
Chicken doesn't use horse footsteps
Cleaned footsteps
Increasing navmesh bounds
Updated render queue field and added instanced field to rust/std shader gui
Instancing all materials part 2
animals have proper corpse contents
added deer meat