117,173 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Muzzleboost world model lod updates
Stripped Mesh.MarkDynamic entirely because it's retarded
Fixed rare ArgumentOutOfRangeException in InvokeHandler
DoEffect warning spam editor only
Quick fixed menu UI until we determine that the canvas changes are on purpose
Reduced default animal populations
lasersight world model lod updates
holosight worldmodel lod updates
Merge from invoke_handler
ServerVar is always ServerAdmin = true by default
Added ServerUserVar (1:1 replaces [User])
Updated old convars to use new attributes
Show invoke handler tasks with "perf 7"
Rocket facility site / roof buildings, doors, warehouse interior, windows
sawnoff shotgun / double shotgun viewmodel animation tweaks ( reduce clipping at various FOVs, made anims more 'weighty' )
wood/stone spear viewmodel + worldmodel animation tweaks ( reduce clipping at various FOVs )
m92 viewmodel animation tweaks ( reduce clipping at various FOVs, made anims feel more 'weighty' )
adjusted the ak47 worldmodel so the magazine drops from the proper spot in 3rd person
ak47 viewmodel + worldmodel animation tweaks ( reduce clipping at various FOVs, made anims feel more 'weighty' )
tweaked binocular 3rd person positioning
added an inverse scale on the player arms (relative to the random spine scale), so they hold the weapons better in 3rd person.
Rocket factory site / warehouse greybox update
reverted viewmodel FOV changes
Fixed fucked up profiler sample in SoundManager.RequestSoundInstance
Invoke handler implementation
Rocket factory update / AC unit greyboxes
overgrowth dressing on new road segments
No more Mesh.MarkDynamic (DX9 issue)
cooked pork icon is darker
Rocket factory site backup
More profiler samples for PlayerLoot
Only CancelInvoke when needed inside PlayerLoot
rocket factory site backup
fixed lantern pickup rules
fixed candle hat default contents
autoturrets can only be picked up when off (and authorized)
eoka cost lowered
flame turret can only be picked up when not triggered
Skins are no longer marketable while they're in the item store
Rocket factory site pipe network and cover
Rocket factory site backup
Moved rocket factory area to another scene file