
117,226 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!

8 Years Ago
Scudpunk Hoodie no longer for sale, tradable, marketable
8 Years Ago
Fixed player model sinking halfway into the ground when turning off torch (RUST-1646)
8 Years Ago
Ai should not walk through barricades
8 Years Ago
Fixed options menu dropdowns (by making them not dropdowns)
8 Years Ago
RUST-1655 - IndexOutOfRangeException - Spatial.Grid
8 Years Ago
T2 Furnace deeper foundations
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed spinner wheel skinnablility
8 Years Ago
Don't log "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh" warnings
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Better / fixed pooling for GetVisibleFrom
8 Years Ago
█▌▊▊█ ▉▋▅▇█▍ ▌▋█▋▅▄▊▄▊
8 Years Ago
python revolver / cleaver / hacksaw viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
m249 viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
hatchet / stone hatchet / mace viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
hatchet / stone hatchet / mace viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
hammer / salvaged hammer viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
▅▌▉▅▊ ▋▌▊▅▄ ▄▆▉▅▊▉▍ ▍/ ▆▇▋█▇▄▆▉▌▍█▉ ▌█▋▆▍▅▊▇▇
8 Years Ago
flamethrower + bolt rifle viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
beancan / f1 grenade viewmodel tweaks
8 Years Ago
junkpiles block AI movement junkpiles actually sink all the way into the ground before disappearing
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory building / interior texture progress
8 Years Ago
JunkPile timeout check uses Unity's invoke because of its long repeat time and since it doesn't use CancelInvoke
8 Years Ago
Removed this. from all invokes as they're no longer extension methods
8 Years Ago
ListComponent now uses a ListHashSet instead of a List (better remove performance) ListHashSet implements IEnumerable and has index getter / setter ListDictionary implements IEnumerable
8 Years Ago
Moved InvokeHandler to plugins Made InvokeHandler methods part of FacepunchBehaviour rather than extension methods
8 Years Ago
Facepunch.System project automatically includes all its cs files (like the other plugins)
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
vertex painting grounds
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory / side towers interior and staircases
8 Years Ago
Massively improved InvokeHandler hashing
8 Years Ago
vertex painting grounds
8 Years Ago
grounds meshes placement
8 Years Ago
External walls block ai External gates block ai (unless open) Ores block ai
8 Years Ago
backup/progress static chair prop adapted from deployable
8 Years Ago
Build navmesh async, to try to avoid consuming all server cores (slower but friendlier)
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
skin pricing
8 Years Ago
Cleanup in ssao Small water reflection optimization (bw++, all platforms)
8 Years Ago
skin approval + icons fixed missing hatchet
8 Years Ago
Reapplied packed hdr and tweaked tier settings
8 Years Ago
Updated SSAO + fixed OnPostRender error
8 Years Ago
Disabled allow MSAA on main camera
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Reapplied main camera effect connections
8 Years Ago
skin approval + broken icons
8 Years Ago
Subtracted 20051 and 20052 temporarily
8 Years Ago
Fixed OSX / Linux / Win32 debug builds not uploading to Steam
8 Years Ago