117,226 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Scudpunk Hoodie no longer for sale, tradable, marketable
Fixed player model sinking halfway into the ground when turning off torch (RUST-1646)
Ai should not walk through barricades
Fixed options menu dropdowns (by making them not dropdowns)
RUST-1655 - IndexOutOfRangeException - Spatial.Grid
T2 Furnace deeper foundations
Fixed spinner wheel skinnablility
Don't log "Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh" warnings
Better / fixed pooling for GetVisibleFrom
python revolver / cleaver / hacksaw viewmodel tweaks
hatchet / stone hatchet / mace viewmodel tweaks
hatchet / stone hatchet / mace viewmodel tweaks
hammer / salvaged hammer viewmodel tweaks
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flamethrower + bolt rifle viewmodel tweaks
beancan / f1 grenade viewmodel tweaks
junkpiles block AI movement
junkpiles actually sink all the way into the ground before disappearing
Rocket factory building / interior texture progress
JunkPile timeout check uses Unity's invoke because of its long repeat time and since it doesn't use CancelInvoke
Removed this. from all invokes as they're no longer extension methods
ListComponent now uses a ListHashSet instead of a List (better remove performance)
ListHashSet implements IEnumerable and has index getter / setter
ListDictionary implements IEnumerable
Moved InvokeHandler to plugins
Made InvokeHandler methods part of FacepunchBehaviour rather than extension methods
Facepunch.System project automatically includes all its cs files (like the other plugins)
Rocket factory / side towers interior and staircases
Massively improved InvokeHandler hashing
External walls block ai
External gates block ai (unless open)
Ores block ai
static chair prop adapted from deployable
Build navmesh async, to try to avoid consuming all server cores (slower but friendlier)
Cleanup in ssao
Small water reflection optimization (bw++, all platforms)
skin approval + icons
fixed missing hatchet
Reapplied packed hdr and tweaked tier settings
Updated SSAO + fixed OnPostRender error
Disabled allow MSAA on main camera
Reapplied main camera effect connections
skin approval + broken icons
Fixed OSX / Linux / Win32 debug builds not uploading to Steam