248,548 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
Fixed standalone build error Made sure BorderWarningSystem can be auto-created BorderWarningSystem seems to work
4 Years Ago
▌█▇▅▊▊▆ ▊▉██ ▌▍▊▌ ▉▊▄█
4 Years Ago
Spawn balloon with random color
4 Years Ago
▌▌▍▊▋▍▇▊▆ ▋▍▆▉ ▉█▇▌▌▇█ ▌▅▊▋ ▇▅█▋▍▆▊ ▊▅ ▍▅▄▌▌▄▆▍▄▋/▌▊▋▆▍
4 Years Ago
Hide Pee Pee 9000 on the map
4 Years Ago
Add click events with handler
4 Years Ago
CodeGen - don't write syntax trees to disk now we can view them in VS Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
▋▊▅▌▍█ ▉▊▋▆▄ ▅▌█▊▌▅▇ ▆▍▇▅▄ ▇▍▉ ▍▇▌▄▅▉▉▌ ▋▍ ▉▅▇▍
4 Years Ago
Use EscapeRichText for player names (not related to this branch)
4 Years Ago
Update protobuf code generator to support copying repeated fields
4 Years Ago
Add Pitch and DistanceMax SoundEvent properties
4 Years Ago
Implement CopyTo for repeated fields (except bytes)
4 Years Ago
Balloon pop sound
4 Years Ago
Add prop data to balloons
4 Years Ago
Big tunnel radtown revamp WIP
4 Years Ago
Fixed sticky gizmo on another bunker prefab
4 Years Ago
Deleted old tunnel2 (replaced by road tunnel)
4 Years Ago
Remaining things for the new northern mountain radtown.
4 Years Ago
▍███▄ ▌▊▅█▆▍
4 Years Ago
Staircase900 terrain gizmo isn't sticky
4 Years Ago
Sign font texture tweaked so that it doesn't halo so much. Added red sign font mat variant.
4 Years Ago
Gravel spec tweaks to better match roads.
4 Years Ago
Various/scene backup
4 Years Ago
Jumped a bunch of silly hoops to get the modular mine dirt grounds to match our biome tinted terrain dirt ground.
4 Years Ago
Make following player field set by script only, it shouldn't be exposed on the prefab and defaulted to on since it permanently disables panning
4 Years Ago
Working on ECS border warning
4 Years Ago
Plumbing shop data through
4 Years Ago
Prefab setup
4 Years Ago
tweak camper module LOD/health condition panel , glass setup, adding glass fx
4 Years Ago
▆▊▇▋▅█ ▋▊▌█ ▇▇▇▄▌
4 Years Ago
Add lerp to lookat camera
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Outdated version check fix
4 Years Ago
Actually revert react-native-draggable-flatlist, not sure why it went back up to the bad version Fix server switcher showing a red tint on icons when tapping on them Fix chat crash when there are messages from a player no longer in the team Add in a notification menu message and translations Update the news item on Hub to match News Force conditional elements to evaluate to a boolean (crash fix for scenarios where something is blank etc) Merge branch 'master' of rust_companion_react update icon on no devices Add missing stuff to unknown server modal ServerIcon component Unknown Server style fixing Outdated version check fix
4 Years Ago
Balloon constraint enables collisions
4 Years Ago
Fixed crashes due to NULL physobj gamedata
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
New hapis specific tarmac and road decal mats with biome tinting Road network consistency fixes + related
4 Years Ago
▄▆▋ ▄_▉█▅▉▌██▅▌ ▌▆▌▋██ ▉▅▆▉▅ ▌▄ ██▍▆▇
4 Years Ago
▉▍▄▋▄ ▊▋▄ ▊▄▋▇ ▅▇▉▆▆▌▇ ▅▍
4 Years Ago
Remove 14 more particle initializers
4 Years Ago
█▇▊ ▇▅▌▌▄/█▇▆▌▋-▆▅▍█▊▇ ▇▋▉ ▄▄▉▄▌▊ ▅▌▆ ▇█▍ ▉█▉ ▇▇▄▍▆ ██▄ █▄▇▆▉█▇, ▄▋▊ ▍▆▉▌▅▍▆ " ▍▉ &▄▌▇▋; ▋▋ █▅▆.▆▇█▅▊▄▄
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Art Drop
4 Years Ago
Fxed particle effects Add qcontrols to sbox_game Don't commit these Merge branch 'master' of sbox reduce grid line severity in curve editor Further particle init decimation
4 Years Ago
River spawns WIP
4 Years Ago
credits bg color
4 Years Ago
▌▍▅▇▍ ▉▊▉▌▉ ▉▌▇▊▊▌▇▉▆█▄▇▆▇▄▌▉▉ ▋▌█▄█ ▌▌▅▇
4 Years Ago
▇▊█▄█ ▊▅▄▋▅▌
4 Years Ago
Added ClientSignOnStateChanged(int UserID, SIGNONSTATE OldState, SIGNONSTATE NewState) (Server) and SignOnStateChanged(SIGNONSTATE OldState, SIGNONSTATE NewState) (Client) hooks + SIGNONSTATE_* enums