248,554 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!
Fxed particle effects
Add qcontrols to sbox_game
Don't commit these
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
reduce grid line severity in curve editor
Further particle init decimation
▌▍▅▇▍ ▉▊▉▌▉ ▉▌▇▊▊▌▇▉▆█▄▇▆▇▄▌▉▉ ▋▌█▄█ ▌▌▅▇
Added ClientSignOnStateChanged(int UserID, SIGNONSTATE OldState, SIGNONSTATE NewState) (Server) and SignOnStateChanged(SIGNONSTATE OldState, SIGNONSTATE NewState) (Client) hooks + SIGNONSTATE_* enums
▋▋▇.█▅▄▌▉▇▄ ▊▋ ▊▉▌▇▊▄ ▄▌▉▇▉▍ ▊▆▅▄ ▊▊▍▍▌▋ █▄ ▄▅▌ ▍▄▋▆█▇█▍
wip camper module health setup
Update AO proxies in some objects that were rescaled
Simple outline shader
Disable depth prepass for viewmodels
Tunnel corridors greyboxes and prefabs
Pass offset in ao proxy downsample viewport to fix AO being broken in scaled
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
▄▄▄▉▄▅▋▄ ▆▋▍▋█▍_▉▋▌█ ▌█ ▇▅▄▋▋██ █▅▇▊▉▅▉ ▆▊▊▄▆▌ (▅▆▅▇▉▉▌ ▄█ ▅▇▆▍▄▄ ▍▄ ▆▋▉▋)
Fix local balloon attach pos
Fixed division by zero with recent staticproplump change
Particle Editor Emitter cleanup
Should fix bot_add
Particle Editor reloadable stylesheet
Started fucking over the particle editor
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
"Add to favorites" function now appears in all server browser tabs, not just the Favorites tab
The "Add current server to Favorites" button now changes to "remove from favorites" if the server is already in favorites
Try to avoid reloading the language multiple times on startup, and some safeguards when trying to set the language to an invalid one
Fixed the game refreshing gamemode and map lists for menus multiple times while loading onto a map or disconnecting
Remover tool delays delete until next frame to give physics chance to wake up
▋▍▆▉▋_▍ ▉▄█ ▉▊▌▋▊▋▍▍▋█▍█▊▊ ▍▇█▇
Trying out a depth prepass for viewmodels which eliminates all world clipping (+ small performance benefit??). Added convars to enable / disable it.
▊▇▌▅▌ ▅▊▄▆ ▌▅ ▆█▉▇▋▅▉█▆▅▅▇ ▆▅▆ ▊▉▋█▋ ▇▋▅▋▍▇▅▉▋▌ ▋▍▉▅ ██▌▌. ▄▉▄▇▌ ▌█▄ ▊▍ ▊▉▄ ▆▋▄▌ ▉▆▌ █▇-▄▄▊▇█▆ ▋▄▋ ▋▌ ▊▋▍ ▊▄▍▆▆▌▊▆▍ ▆▌█▅█▇ ▍▅▍█▊▉▄▊ ██ ▆▆▊▆
Changed all viewmodel PlaySound events to PlaySoundFirstPerson
Add PhysicsBody.GravityScale
Spawn ent with just eye yaw
Fix physgun breaking when grabbed ent is deleted
Bump up SetRagdollVelocityFrom linear amount slightly
Add remover tool
▄▇▄▊▊▄█ ▉▇▆▄▋▊▍█▇▆_▆▆█▆█▅▋█▋▊ ▆▌▌▅▉▍▍▆ ▊▉ ▇▇▋▉▌ ▍▋ █▇▄ ▋▆▄▋▌▆ ▇█▉▅▆▅▍█▆▊ ▉▄█▌▊▊▌▌ ▌▌█▍█▉ ▇▇▅▊ ▍▄▋▅▆ ▇▉▉▋█▇▆▇▇▆ ▅█▊▍██▄▇▆▌ ▄▋▇▄▄▌
Viewmodel clothing support
██▍'▍ ▇█ ▅▄▄▅▌█▉▇▇▉ ▍▇▅▇▌ ▋▊▋▅▋▄ ▇▍█ ▄▋▋▌▆ █▄ ▇▌▄▆ (▍▆█▌ ▊▄▊▍▊▇▉▄▋ ▌▋ ▌▅▋▉▇▋▄▉▅▄▋)
standardized floor.triangle.twig collider with it's counter parts to prevent groundwatch issues on upgrading
█▌▉▉█▊ ▆▄▋ ▇▇▌▅▇▍ ▆▅ ▅▄▉▉▆▇▄▍█▇▅ █▌▆ ▆▍▌▉█ █▍█▍▊█ ▄▆▌▍▇ ▊▋█▅ ▊▉▇█▅▉█▉▍▇ (▅▉▍▅▅ ▍▇▌▉▌ ▅▊▅▌▅ ▅▄▆ ▄▅▊ █▄▊▊▊▉▇▇ ▌▍█ ▉▊▉▌▅▅ ▊ ▍▄▌▅ ▉▍▄█ █▆ ▄█▆█▌▊▋▉)
Large wooden box can no longer be clipped into world layer
Parent thrusters to physics body bone instead of just the entity
Fixed styles now we have transform-offset
finished hazard attacks
credits stage balance tweaks
zapped pattern
enemy powerup pattern
tweaked zap pattern
credits enemy attacks
▌█▄ █▅▇▄ ▉▅▉▊ ▍▋ - ▋█▅ ▄▄▍▊▍ ▄█▆ ▉▆▄▄▄▋█▍▍▋ ▋▅▆▉▊▅ ▌▄▆▊▅█▊
▉▆▋▉▇ ▍▇█▋ ▍▋▍▌▆ ▍█▇▅▋▄ ▄▍▆▌█ ▇▌▋▌▋▌
▋▌▊▄▆ ▉▅▉▌ ▌▅█▇ ▋▄▌▅▋ ▍▌ ▊▉▅▉▇▍▇ ▋▉▅▋▇▅▊▄ ▅▊▅▆ ▍▇█▄█
▅▋▍▉▄ ▉▇█ █▍▄▆ ▊▄▋▆▆▇▍ ▋▅▌▇▊▊▍▆ ▍█▍▉ ▅█▋█▉
▍▋▋▄▌▆▌ ▅▊▌ █▉ █▄▋▍ █▇▇▇█ ▆▌▄ ▆▇▍▉▇▌▋ ▍▉▅ ▆█▉▍▌▌ ▍▅▄▋ ▉▊▉ █▅▉▊ ▄▇▅▅ ▊▌▊ ▋█▆▇▋ ▋▄█ ▍▆▋▆█▉ ██▇▇▆▄▉ ▉▌ ▉▇▌▅ ▊▊█ ▄▉▉▍▆▇ ▊▊▇▇▋ ▅▋▆▋▍▅▅▊ ▍▋▌█▌▅ ▆▊▋▍▍▉▇ ▌▉▆ ▅▋▉▆▄