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4 Years Ago
Simplified roof models (2 meshes > 1 mesh) Updated roof.****.full prefabs accordingly
4 Years Ago
Buoyancy components that are marked as client-side will now actually float on the client Enabled client-side buoyancy on the player ragdoll
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Adjust car front/rear hurt triggers
4 Years Ago
Reduce car collision damage to players and to NPCs
4 Years Ago
Update pool descriptions to specify they only accept fresh water Revert marking objects dirty when recalculating bounds, it seems to be marking a lot of prefabs as changed
4 Years Ago
Fixed above ground pool bounds being wildly wrong, should fix some building privilege issues when placing Recalculating the bounds now marks the prefab as dirty
4 Years Ago
Stop the ridable horse's saddle from complaining that it can't switch parent to the ragdoll when the horse dies. It doesn't seem to need to switch, so I'm letting it be destroyed silently with an override - same as existing behaviour, but without the logging. Fixes "SwitchedParent Missed horse.corpse" server log spam.
4 Years Ago
Merge from Main -> Vehicles
4 Years Ago
Added another cutoff plane to the above ground pool so the water overlay doesn't trigger when standing underneath a full pool
4 Years Ago
Potential fix for NRE when being killed in a pool
4 Years Ago
Don't do steam server dlc check in editor, it won't work since we don't auth
4 Years Ago
Fix cars sliding weirdly on slopes, also improve the "handbrake" when dismounting cars at low speed, so they'll properly stay still
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▄▆▇▌▍██▍▋ ▄▄▅
4 Years Ago
Update water gun descriptions from placeholder.
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Water jug fill sounds are longer and use the new vessel fill sound implementation
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
bradley engine is audible from farther away
4 Years Ago
Updated Jenkinsfile
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
point_message functions in multiplayer
4 Years Ago
manifest fixed stringpool errors with underwear
4 Years Ago
updated default underwear icon
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
merge into main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Entity.Delete() Added game_restart Entity OnDelete callback
4 Years Ago
fixed corpse underwear not showing
4 Years Ago
vm watergun & water pistol source files
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from summer DLC
4 Years Ago
reduced cloth cost on parasol
4 Years Ago
merge into main
4 Years Ago
Fixed nsp path in slack message
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
▍▋▄▊▌▄██ ▅▇▋▉▌▉▅
4 Years Ago
Replaced usage of WM_ACTIVATEAPP with WM_ACTIVATE due to a possible Windows bug to hopefully fix system.HasFocus returning wrong value when the game was minimized by clicking on it in the taskbar
4 Years Ago
Fixed a "CUtlRBTree overflow!" crash to do with detail models (grass and stuff) on maps
4 Years Ago
▇▍▍▄▉█ ▄▍▋▆▉▅▋▍ ▄▉ ▇▉▊▇▆▆▍▅█▊ ▄▇▋▌, ▅▋▆ ▉▆▋▍▇▋ ▋▆ ▇▇▍▌ ▇▊▄▅▋ ▄▆ ▍▉▄ ▄▍▌▉▌....
4 Years Ago
Possible fix for build error !switch
4 Years Ago
reduced sun glasses crafting time
4 Years Ago
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