223,920 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Benchmark fixes
7 Years Ago
Benchmark reporting fixes
7 Years Ago
Compile fix Warning fixes
7 Years Ago
Desire filters refactor Fixed conversation abilities not ending conversation on break
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed wacky float -> double -> overflown int -> unsigned int screwing up clicker selections in Hammer
7 Years Ago
WIP office building exterior + interior updates
7 Years Ago
fixed AIUnlockDefinition Editor
7 Years Ago
Added ItemActionDesire which is now used for Keep desires
7 Years Ago
Conversation response editor support
7 Years Ago
fire spit icon
7 Years Ago
Server compile fix
7 Years Ago
Actually delete the old benchmarks folder
7 Years Ago
Fixed exception when playing old demos
7 Years Ago
Don't include id ,projectid in benchmarkdata
7 Years Ago
Removed benchmark system Replaced benchmark system
7 Years Ago
Use Configuration instead of just public key (works the same, more configurable) Compat Benchmark stuff
7 Years Ago
Dank fishing
7 Years Ago
Fixed some more activity notification issues
7 Years Ago
CheckBounds tweak
7 Years Ago
Fixed some activity types sending notifications
7 Years Ago
AmbientSoundPlayer white/blacklist for weather types
7 Years Ago
Added CheckBounds to GamePhysics
7 Years Ago
Latest Facepunch plugin Fixed nre when checking banned server ips
7 Years Ago
Watching replays from the leaderboard works!
7 Years Ago
Fixed downloading leaderboard file attachments
7 Years Ago
firewood attacked view placement
7 Years Ago
Setup for single player missions
7 Years Ago
Fixed conversation icons not hiding, adding scale adjustment
7 Years Ago
█▊▅█▆▄ ▋▊▆▊█ ▊▅▆▊▍▅
7 Years Ago
Clear failed sound cache on level change
7 Years Ago
Debug log now hidden in practice
7 Years Ago
Console fixes Google Analytics fixes Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' # Conflicts: # Assets/Plugins/Facepunch/GoogleAnalytics.cs # Assets/Plugins/Facepunch/Unity.meta
7 Years Ago
Added interior greybox to one of the office buildings
7 Years Ago
New benchmark urls
7 Years Ago
Moved ELFProgramHeader.Flags to correct offset for 32-bit binaries Allow extension-less linux binaries to be uploaded Read files to upload from the command-line args
7 Years Ago
AI designer mini behaviour chain foldout Added "Find unused data types" tool to Assets menu
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Pulled the plug on the rest of our string-style invokes with the exception of ServerMgr, CommunityEntity and DecalRecycle
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Show dropped images in forms
7 Years Ago
human pickup is always fast (no random slower variations)
7 Years Ago
office building interior a floors greybox
7 Years Ago
unfucked the condition assets (hopefully)
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory progress
7 Years Ago
wip usable unit highlighting (with bugs)
7 Years Ago
Conditions cleanup and fixes
7 Years Ago
Clickable rows User selector
7 Years Ago
Can now detect if a leaderboard entry has a replay attached Fixed Utils.GetTimeString
7 Years Ago
Meager start of Conversation Response options and its integration with the Conversation / Collaboration system.