223,523 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override for clang builds
7 Years Ago
Improved combat projectile handling Fixed AttackUnit action callback NRE, removed stupid code in Tick
7 Years Ago
Don't strip tool cupboard triggers from the client (so demolish / rotate UI options match server side checks)
7 Years Ago
rocket decals, decal textures, backup
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing key error in DecisionMaker.ModuleIsValid
7 Years Ago
Toggle between map sizes
7 Years Ago
Fixed errors after merge
7 Years Ago
tweaked pixel debris removed powerup class, added bubble shield, etc refactoring patterns, octopus done tentacle partially converted to forms working on respawning with child pxcs fixed some issues with respawning while having child pxcs fixed respawn core bug tweaked pxc collision danger slowdown amount form core handled like other parts reworking spritecontroller animation spritecontroller default anim animated sprite controller load spritesheet anims from json rehooked up octopus rehooked up tentacle, bullets can avoid player instead of homing Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into replays # Conflicts: # Assets/Resources/Units/Octopus.prefab # Assets/Resources/Units/OctopusTurret.prefab # Assets/Resources/Units/TentacleMonster.prefab # Assets/Scenes/game.unity # Assets/Scripts/Chunks/PixelGroupChunk.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/GameManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/GameManager/ImportManager.cs # Assets/Scripts/Globals.cs # Assets/Scripts/Laser.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Body.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Health.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Components/Player_Powerups.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Guns/PlayerGun.cs # Assets/Scripts/Player/Player.cs # Assets/Scripts/Pxc/Pxc.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/BossStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/HubStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/OctopusStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/RobotStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/TentacleStage/TentacleStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/Levels/YellowStage/YellowStage.cs # Assets/Scripts/Stages/StageComponents/Stage_LineParticles.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/Octopus.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Octopus/OctopusTurret.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Portal/Gate.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Portal/Portal.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/Robot/Robot.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/TentacleMonster/Tentacle.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/TentacleMonster/TentacleMonster.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Forms.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/UnitComponents/Unit_Pxc.cs # Assets/Scripts/Units/YellowGuy/YellowGuy.cs
7 Years Ago
New map scales with truck speed Added mini map background
7 Years Ago
Fixed ripple
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Some crowd setup
7 Years Ago
Testing hack fix for eye adapatation NRE
7 Years Ago
Create instance of grass material at runtime to avoid local changes
7 Years Ago
OSX build scripts
7 Years Ago
Move windows scripts in to win32 dir
7 Years Ago
Updated map mode switching Added scale
7 Years Ago
some improvement to combat anims maybe
7 Years Ago
Removed oil paint shader
7 Years Ago
rehooked up tentacle, bullets can avoid player instead of homing
7 Years Ago
VPC: Added VCPROJ Solution GUID for VS2017 projects
7 Years Ago
Run premake before building dependants
7 Years Ago
VPC: Update fmtstr, remove perforce stuff, builds with VS2017
7 Years Ago
New build scripts
7 Years Ago
Disable Linux/OSX depots
7 Years Ago
rehooked up octopus
7 Years Ago
Set player name labels to match the NPC ones
7 Years Ago
NPCs have name labels
7 Years Ago
NPC names set and synced to clients
7 Years Ago
New interaction system for NPCs. Stops their huge hitboxes blocking interaction with other interactables like doors etc when they get in the way. May need some tweaks.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
bespoke cave stuff
7 Years Ago
spritecontroller default anim animated sprite controller load spritesheet anims from json
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Updates post pro stack from github
7 Years Ago
Updated ASE Removed DX9 and Vulkan support Disabled DX9 target platforms for all ASE shaders
7 Years Ago
Basics More bulma Progress Fixed placeholder coloring Fiield fixes Serverlist cleanup loading icon fix Cleanup js Controller cleanup More cleanup Front page cleanup
7 Years Ago
Fixed a tiny pink shell in the SMG viewmodel
7 Years Ago
Fixed pink SMG magazine in first person
7 Years Ago
terrain backup
7 Years Ago
cave stuff
7 Years Ago
Bundle fuckery
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
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