224,790 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.52cph!

8 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #407
8 Years Ago
Fixed broken Hapis lake waves (RUST-1178) Added proper lake support in water2; dedicated material, etc Added edit-time placeholder river+lake materials to hapis
8 Years Ago
Projected textures can now be orthographic Added ProjectedTexture:SetOrthographic & ProjectedTexture:GetOrthographic
8 Years Ago
Corpse name improvements
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #406
8 Years Ago
Commented out grid manager debug logs
8 Years Ago
HumanView LateUpdate animation code doesn't run if the unit is dead EntityComponentManager destroyed components buffer/cleanup at end of tick
8 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #406
8 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #406
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #406
8 Years Ago
Tunnel peekaboo glitch fix Scene2Prefab
8 Years Ago
Added p2p_friendsonly ConVar
8 Years Ago
Moved human specific animation code out of UnitView and into HumanView
8 Years Ago
more levels on UI sfx
8 Years Ago
Fixed HumanView Update not calling base
8 Years Ago
Unity launch vars, the same as old builder
8 Years Ago
Cleanup bundles folder properly when building
8 Years Ago
Enable gfx jobs in player settings..
8 Years Ago
ActionSettings must implement BlackboardReadKeys array property, displayed in editor (BEF-311) Added warning in Items.OnPickUpEvent when the item has been nulled whilst waiting for the callback, which is apparently possible.
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE commented the debug line in the smoke script FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab
8 Years Ago
Removed old gui_popup sound WorldManager.FindClosetZone de-LINQed
8 Years Ago
tree prefab
8 Years Ago
climate.prefab revert
8 Years Ago
tree lods and camera fixes
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Weight tweaks
8 Years Ago
Fixed DistanceConsiderationSettings bad field init (moved to OnEnable)
8 Years Ago
Fixed entity's not being destroyed properly Fixed Entity not updating it's grid position on tick Fixed NRE in DistanceConsideration Senses stores real distance in perception data, not grid distance (which breaks combat)
8 Years Ago
More editor cleanup
8 Years Ago
Editor cleanup
8 Years Ago
Renamed Influence field in EntitySettings for consistency
8 Years Ago
Editor relfection stuff and field renames in EntitSettings
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #405
8 Years Ago
Updated mission identifiers Added steamworks
8 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #405
8 Years Ago
- Aded UE test project
8 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #405
8 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #405
8 Years Ago
* Proper NULL chekcs for most Vehicle functions
8 Years Ago
Added an Influence component for grid stuff (doesn't actually do anything yet)
8 Years Ago
Added link to curve functions (for testing/debugging/deeper understanding of how they work).
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Resources, Items and Buildings no longer have Stats or Effects
8 Years Ago
Updated all curve functions in Response Curve.
8 Years Ago
EntityComponentManager base class, generics, all that good shit.
8 Years Ago
EntityComponentManager cleanup
8 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-1168
8 Years Ago
Fixed potential issue with commandbuffer ordering
8 Years Ago
Group stats update every game minute