116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Moved road_asphalt material
Added env.progresstime (pauses time of day progression when false)
Can only place one tool cupboard per building
junkyard ruin section
terrain heightmap rebake
Increased building privilege radius around buildings to 16
Twig foundations can no longer be placed inside building privilege (only floors)
Quarry rocks mesh and texture progress
procgen road material/texture tweaks
dungeon fences are shoot through
chainlink fence is rusty
barbedwire set damage triggers
Cherry picked occlusion culling fix
Fixed occlusion culling not restoring visibility to lod component on distance cull
Finished reprojection clipping
Cleaned up frustum culling correction (still needs opt)
Reduced infinite grid cell size to 50m
More on animal behaviour ai.
junkyard paths decal meshes
Junkyard mounds colliders, prefab update, scene2prefab junkyard
junkyard mounds LODs/Prefabs
Bunch of monument loot tweaks (Hapis)
Ore nodes more likely to spawn inland rather than coastal cliffs (Hapis)
Reduced desert ores (Hapis)
Junk piles spawn along all roads (Hapis)
optimized special fx sprites
Quarry rocks material fix
Mining quarry C tweaked splats
Mining quarries
Tweaked heightmaps
Fixed floating objects
Removed grass from splat masks
Tweaked material colors
General polish
grenades inherit player velocity when thrown ( run forward and jump for more range)
f1 grenade has larger radius
More work on animal behaviour ai.
Disabled Hapis LS doors again
Decay entities also show their health bar when holding a hammer
Stability entities no longer automatically show their health bar when stability is below 25%
Updated ShowHealthInfo flag on prefabs that were using displayHealth
All decay entities only show their health when their health is below 95%
All stability entities only show their health when their health is below 95% or their stability is below 25%
Removed StorageContainer.displayHealth since it does the same thing as BaseCombatEntity.ShowHealthInfo
Removed a bunch of unused garbage from protobufs
Moved/fixed some OnGUI dependant debugging
Added camera reprojection for occlusion delay
Wip on frustum culling delay
Fixed that small power substations were never spawning
Adjusted road and river mesh width
Improved road and river terrain adjustments
Road layout optimizations