
97,524 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

5 Years Ago
Slightly more oversteer
5 Years Ago
Chair static distance sanity check
5 Years Ago
[D11] [TEMP] possible build fix - needs fixing properly
5 Years Ago
merge from main
5 Years Ago
WIP Vending machine cluster marker
5 Years Ago
▅█▌▅ ▄█▄ ▉▇▍█ ▌▅▊▊▆ ▉▋ ▅▅▌▇▉▄▆ ▍▊ ▍▌'▉ █▅█▇▉ ▊▄▇▇▄ ▌█ ▍▋▇ ▊▋▉▇▄▉.
5 Years Ago
Fix client compile issue
5 Years Ago
Beefed up the isDraggable to a more general isUIInteractable. If false, prevents any UI-based interaction with the item. Drags, clicks, etc.
5 Years Ago
Merge fleck
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Added isDraggable setting which if false, sets items as non-draggable. Dummy slot fillers are no longer draggable.
5 Years Ago
Sphere tank scene & s2p Prefab scale fix
5 Years Ago
Allow moving modules on top of themselves
5 Years Ago
Cleanup Remove old flute sound files
5 Years Ago
▍█▌▍▉▋ ▉▉ ▄ ▆▄▍▆ █▊ ▍▇▉▍▆ (█▌ ▌▉▇ █▄▋▄▉▋) ▉█▄▅ ▅▋ ▉▊▇▅▋▆ ▊▅▌ ▆▇▇▋▇'▆ █▊▇▄ ▊▇▊▄▊▌█▉▉▉▉ ▅▇▉ ▆▋ ▍▉▄▋▊▅ (█▉▅▋ █▇▅▉▅▌▋▄ ▉█ ▌▉▋ ▇▆▊▅▉▆▅▄ ▌█▊▆▌) ▉▉█▉ ▌▅▍▌█▅█ ▄ █▋█▆▍ ▌▌▇ ▋▋▉ ▍▄▌▆▄▊▉ ▌█▆▆▆ ▅▉▍▉ ▋▉▌▍▄▆▄ ▅█ ▊▋▌▊▋ ▌▅
5 Years Ago
Added support for moving modules around on a vehicle (vs add/remove)
5 Years Ago
More code to strip out unused stuff after conversion.
5 Years Ago
Fixed some instrument animations playing on the wrong layer
5 Years Ago
▌▇▄▅▋ ▆▋▉▉ ▌▅▌▉ ▇▌█▊ ▄▋▋▍▌▅▅▍ ▌▊ ▆▍▇ ▆█▌▍ ▋▄█▌▍ ▅▅▉ ▍▆▄▆▍▇▍ ▅▍█▉ ▋▉▍▅ ▍▆▌▉▉
5 Years Ago
- Adjust vehicle lift states - Adjust vehicle lift model - Freeze vehicle physics when vehicle is editable - Protocol++, Save++
5 Years Ago
▋▅▆▆ ▍▋▍▉▅ ▇▅▋▋▆▄▍▍ ▉▊ ▅█▌█▋▉▇▆▋▌▄, ▋█▆▌ ▇▌/▄▅▆ ▌▄█▊ ▋▌▋▉▆▉ ▊█▊▊▍ ▋▌▊▉▋▊█ ▅▊▄▉▋ ▉▌▍▆ ▌▌▇ ▌▅▍ ▆▋▌▋▋▍▆▅▊▅ ▌▆▅█ ▅▉▇▊ ▇▌▌▊▆▅▆▊
5 Years Ago
Drum kit animator setup
5 Years Ago
▅▆▅▊▊▄▊▄▋▆▍ █▊▋▍▅ ▋▋▊▍▄ ▅▍▋▆▇▊▍ ▄▊▊▊▍▋ ▆▋▊▄▋
5 Years Ago
▄▄▇▋▋ ▉▌▍ ▆▋▄ ▆▍▊ ▅▊▄▆█_██▅▆ ▇▌▌ ▆█▍ █▅▉▇▊▌▉▆▇ ▄▌▊ ▉▊▍▆▉_▅▅▌▋_▊█▉▉▇▍▌ (▄▍▍▇▇ ▄▋▉█▌ ▆▋▊▇▊ ▅▊▋▍▉▇▅ ▆▊ ▄▉ ▅▌▋▄▌▇▍ ▋▆▇▄█▆█▌█)
5 Years Ago
rigged drumkit and clips
5 Years Ago
enabled halloween event
5 Years Ago
Initial player chat muting functionality. Bunch of mute related console functions. Also maintains a list of the last 10 unique recent chat players with a simple index, so you can mute someone easily with muterecent x.
5 Years Ago
[D11] + New LOD Scripts
5 Years Ago
[D11] latest delayed ent/cached network fixes
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Enabled ability to delete sleeping bags that are still on cooldown.
5 Years Ago
[D11][UI][#2787] Fix for crash when assigning a sleeping bag to another player
5 Years Ago
▆▄█▅▅▋▆ █▅██▄▆ ▋▆▍▌▋▄ ▌▆▄█▇▅▌▉▍▆▋▍, ▄▉▆▍▋ ▆▋▅▆▊▌▍▄▆ ▊█▌▆█▊ ▋▅▄ ▍▆▊▅▍▆ ▅▇▆, ▇▉██▍ ▌█▋▅▉▌▆ █▄▇▅▉█
5 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fixed sleeping bags not being interactable when cooldown timer finishes. Fixed not being able to respawn after deleting a sleeping bag.
5 Years Ago
[D11] 16 vertex shader LODs added to assets from Structures folder
5 Years Ago
Merged from main/UICoup
5 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes for the buildable LODS
5 Years Ago
Added compression on save game files since these will be downloaded by the clients now
5 Years Ago
Ensure entities not present in save game files are always sent to clients
5 Years Ago
[D11] Buildables LOD scripts + distances
5 Years Ago
Added some routines to clean up unneeded stuff
5 Years Ago
[D11] Define fix
5 Years Ago
Stripped TMP StyleSheet BullSheet
5 Years Ago
[D11] + Changed LOD system on 65 core buildable objects
5 Years Ago
[D11][UI] First pass of crafting screen changes and optimizations, Created blueprintinformation panel and altered generic information
5 Years Ago
Strip TextMeshPro sprite bullshit
5 Years Ago
[D11] Replaced LOD group script and adjusted pop-in distances + replaced vertex LOD shader with lit version
5 Years Ago
Sphere tank profile & scene
5 Years Ago
Icon enum cleanup