111,667 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.18cph!
[D11] [UI] Code of Conduct and Staff Credits screen now uses the same navigation bar system that the other screens use. Added optional parameter for hiding navigation bar graphic. Back Icon and string can now be set up as default when calling "Open()".
[D11] PlayFab calls now return a PlayFabApiRequest which can yield
Added underwear censorship option
[D11] DTLS native plugin log level verbosity support.
[D11] Bump Network Protocol
Added a button in the asset fiddler to turn off the 'readable' attribute on models that don't need it and also to disable mesh compression in favour of optimised vertex formats
▌▉▍▍▋▆██ █▍▌▌ ▋▆▉▅▋ ▅▊▋ ▇█▊▇▍▋▌▋
[D11] New default config files for Options & Default button now working in Options Menu
[D11][TUTORIAL] fix for not being able to collect items in local server need to look into this more. Increase gametip fade time
[D11] Altered the options menu
[D11] Sharpening and Vignette options now working
[D11] [UI] Fixed missing lock icon on sprint input option. Unlocked button the proper way.
[D11] [UI] Re-enabled splash screens on frontend intro.
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[D11] [UI] updated the locked slot indicator in the loot panels
[D11] [UI] removed wip icon from sprint input, and added it to sign visibility and auto equip
[D11] Crosshair behavior changed
Click buttons will change icon for platform
[D11] [UI] Title screen loading state updated to display loading text when input not available for the player.
[D11] Prevent use buttons etc. when dev console open
[D11] Fix for popups losing focus when being kicked from game back to Main Menu (due to disconnect/server kick etc)
[D11][UI] changed building hint string to show the gamepad controls
[D11] [UI] removed refresh and filter buttons from join game nav bar since they don't work yet
[D11] Fix for bugs when dying with Options Menu open, and dying with a Popup open then returning to the menu which spawned the popup
[D11] [UI] hooked up the playertag in the top left of the menu
[D11] Fix to packet write with DTLS.
[D11] [UI] wip icon for camera FOV option
More improvements to AI at Military Tunnels.
Fix for using the wrong async function
[D11] [UI] Hooked up Depth of Field and Lens Dirt options to main camera in-game.
[D11] [UI] hide the HUD while options are open
darken the popup background
changed "done" to "back" on the nav bar in the find game UI
[D11] [UI] updated the rest of the loot panels with new transfer timer
temporary fix for HdgRemoteDebugServer on PS4
[D11] [UI] updated the player corpse looting panel and the fishing panel with the new transfer progress indicator. fixed a bug where if you closed the inventory before the item had finished transferring the indicator would stay on
[D11] [UI] missed this in the blur submit but altered the blur material to make it a bit less intense
[D11] [UI] Fixed incorrect styling on pie menu input prompts.
[D11] [UI] adjusted background blur values for various screens and fixed a problem where the blur wouldn't go away after closing the pause menu
[D11] Input boxes now working in the Reporting Flow
[D11] [UI] adjusted the text size on the server info popup again, changed the amount of blur for the popups
[D11] DTLS Unity plugin updated with exposed peer identification info.
[D11] [UI] Fixed tooltips being instantiated into the wrong parent and appearing below the map. Removed redundant blur objects from in game options and corpse loot screen and replaced with the blur singleton object.
[D11] [UI] Made animations on the title screen faster.
[D11] [UI] added double trigger icons for the zoom in the map navigation bar