110,898 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!
Rocket factory lift room dressing
Adjusted maxrpcspersecond default value
Optimized BasePlayer.Find_Clientside / FindByID_Clientside / RegisterForVisibility / UnregisterFromVisibility / ClearVisibility
Added maxpeerspersecond client convar (counteracts P2P packet flooding)
Fixed foliage shader handling of batched meshes
Small tweaks to the small clutter rock scales
dropbox emission fixed
mailbox no longer auto submits items (must press button)
dropbox no longer auto submits items
dropbox stacks submitted items with like-kind
shotgun pellets have an affinity to stay grouped to the center (tighter spread)
shotguns have much faster damage falloff (30~m effective range)
Fixed crazy emissive laser disco blobs
Fixed emission on a few beam materials, furnace large; tweaked fire particles
Added soft particles toggle to particles/additive hdr shader
removed unused .fbx files
Stripped unnecessary features from decals to reduce max sampler count
Added internal/replacement decal shaders to always included list
Forgot to save after adding a comment
Rocket scaffolding scene update
Fixed viewmodel going crazy when ADS immediately after weapon deploy
Rocket scaffolding progress
checkpoint greybox
office interiors LODs/COLs/Prefabs
scene update
Rocket factory rail tracks
Fixed fucked up viewmodel flickering when spamming RMB
Touched decal shaders after workaround subtraction
Subtracting decal workaround at
▄▋▌▅ ▇▇▅▉▊▉▇▄▋ ▆▋▉▊▅█▊▇▆▌▌▋██▌▇▌█▊▋▍█▇█▋
▅▍▉▄▅▌▍ ▉▅▄▆▅▉▇▉ ▄▇▊▉▅▌▆ █▆▅ ▄▌ ▇█▄▍▋▇▄ ▌▉▋█▌▄
Let's delete these third party assets and see what happens
▊█▍▋▄▅▋ ▉▌▅█▇▊ ▋▍▌▉▆▅▋▌▊ ▆▍▆▆▋▍▉
▊▍▇▅: ▍▌▊▉ ▄▌▍▌ ▄▌ ▇▄█▉▆█▄▅▉▊ █▉▉▅▄▇▌▄▄▊▆▊▊▌ ▍▋▊▊▌ ▄▅ ▊█▌▍▍▄▌
▆▆▄▇█▋▅▄ ▅▆▋▊▊▇▄▊ / ▌▅▆ ▌▆▇▋▍▉▅▇▌▇ ▆▆▆█ ▊▉▊▉▉▅▆█ ▍█▅▊▉▋ ▌▄▅ ▅▆▉▆█▌ ▉▄▋▆ (+ ▇▇▋▍▄█▆▄ ▋█▅▇▍▍█▆ ▌▉▇▄▇█▋▆▄▍▋ ▅▆ ▋▄█ ▋▌▍▅▅█)
! ▄▆▇▋▅ ▊▍▌ ▇▉▌▅▍▍▋▋ ▌▌▉ ▉▍▅▊▄▋▄ ▇▋▊ ▄▄▆ ▅█▉▅▋▉▇ ▅▆▆▉▆▇▅ ▋▅▋▍▄▄▊ (▊▉▍ / ▉▆▄▄▆)
! ▆▆▆ ▉▉▄▉█▉▄: ▆▉▇▆▋▉█▊▊▆▆▄▊▄▍▊ ▉▌▉ ▉█▉▆▍▄▄▇▊▌▅▆▊▅▌▋▉▆▇▌ (█▅▉▇ ▋▍▅▉▅▉▍ █▊ ▌▄▊)
▇▊▊▄▄▋▋ ▄▅▅ (▉▍▅█▊▊▆▅█▍▆▇▄▋▇▆▆▋▉▊▅)
nook & cranny cliffs instead of dull flat mountain slopes wip
Interiors WIP for the second largest office building, scene update
fixed python smoke screen
Rocket factory progress /backup
updated prefab links for office buildings in launch site
launch site office buildings and planters final meshes/prefabs/cols