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6 Years Ago
Cleaned up some current goal unsetting in DecisionMaker Made decision heap management consistent for various scoring methods in DM
6 Years Ago
No longer possible to stow an item that was dropped while stowing.
6 Years Ago
UnitAttachments.TryAttach cleanup, BaseEntity.AttachedTo renamed to AttachedToItem for clarity. Updated debug drawer to clarity
6 Years Ago
Really basic framework for game modes stored in ScriptableObjects. Game mode is selected, loaded, and passed to connecting clients (via name). Bootstrap stores the data on all potential game modes.
6 Years Ago
sponsor prefab update with button, mouseover stuff
6 Years Ago
util.TableToJSON returns nil unless top-most element is an object or array
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
mesh.quality and tree.quality once again allow values up to 1000 if set via console (for rustafied)
6 Years Ago
Small tweaks to junkpile scientist behaviour
6 Years Ago
Some fixes to old static prefabs - cosmetic/materials
6 Years Ago
league sponsor changes
6 Years Ago
Invert mouse wheel option (not exposed)
6 Years Ago
Grass - terrain splat and dynamic grass colour adjustments to better match each other
6 Years Ago
Small behaviour tuning for Scientists when they have no cover in range and can't see who is shooting at them.
6 Years Ago
Removed some unused fields from ItemProtectionStats, including the whole ApplyForSeconds section Can now only modify a PoolValue and ValuePerSecond Can now set PoolValue and ValuePerSecond at the same time, so an item can increase a stat and modify that stat per second at the same time Might have fixed itemstats not getting marked as dirty if a float field for Health/Mana/Stamina was modified (would explain the changes that keep getting lost)
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
scientists have new loot tables added spas-12 and incendiary rounds to airdrop fixed bug where scientists had 100 health instead of 200
6 Years Ago
Reworked some stun condition checks to still let some systems run during a stun (fixes the stun fullscreen fx not playing properly)
6 Years Ago
Tweaked third person orientation of shield
6 Years Ago
nailgun slightly higher rate of fire
6 Years Ago
Fixed Shield not calling base.OnHolster (fixes shield getting left on in 3rd person when switching weapons)
6 Years Ago
Lower chainsaw pitch + volume tweaks
6 Years Ago
Kill warnings
6 Years Ago
Chainsaw sound tweak (remove stray EQ)
6 Years Ago
Fallbacks for physics overrides when not on a listen server
6 Years Ago
scientists now spawn with spas12
6 Years Ago
Chainsaw sound playback polish
6 Years Ago
Fixed proxy character vis check rate
6 Years Ago
Testing potential fix for culling error
6 Years Ago
#if server fix
6 Years Ago
third person chainsaw particle effects LODComponentParticleSystem ensures initilization now incase another script calls hide/show from OnEnable or Awake
6 Years Ago
Statuseffect files.
6 Years Ago
NetworkLevel simplification
6 Years Ago
Loads of Stuff
6 Years Ago
Black magic school.
6 Years Ago
Added a physical spell school.
6 Years Ago
Fixed cast channelling bar appearing when attempting to cast while not holding a staff
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Raised random tint color2 on pine mat
6 Years Ago
Effect procs for NPC attacks are now an array of Effect/Chance rather than just a single effect
6 Years Ago
NetworkLevel work. And NPC walk zones work again.
6 Years Ago
removed capmasks from skin materials so they're all the same for the dyesets. adjusted new textures so they aren't gigantic and have decent compression, removed all old and wip textures and mats apart from styles that still depend on them currently
6 Years Ago
fix for chainsaw effects appearing active when deploying fix for left click spam of chainsaw
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
If an effect is added while the same effect is already added, the duration of the existing effect is reset rather than adding a new effect Fixed bleeding effect healing rather than hurting Fixed damage from status effects procing the status effect on hit of an NPC (should fix effect spam)
6 Years Ago
Prevent NPCs from opening doors that has locks on them.
6 Years Ago
Skip hotload on network serializers
6 Years Ago
ItemDesires created from possession now allow held which makes them actually get fulfilled. Fixed NRE on EntityView during tree felling.
6 Years Ago
Forgot these
6 Years Ago
Improved Scientist AI at junkpiles. Junkpile A and G no longer carve. Improved AI settings of M92. Scientists can now enlist to the patrol route of a location when manually spawned.