223,219 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.52cph!

7 Years Ago
Added smoothness texture post processor for baked toksvig specular anti-aliasing Added freeimage native plugin (editor only)
7 Years Ago
Shrubbery atlas, grass resource material + tint matching
7 Years Ago
Added new core brdf shaders
7 Years Ago
Updated encoding utilities
7 Years Ago
bugfix for semi auto weapons not firing as fast as they should fishtrap requires cloth instead of rope again SAR fire rate reduced to 0.175 to compensate SAP fire rate reduced to 0.15 to compensate Revolver fire rate reduced to 0.175 to compensate
7 Years Ago
Fixed clay tint (material uses neutral grey texture)
7 Years Ago
Biome editor can sync material library tint with splat channel
7 Years Ago
added crowd streak to Player protobufs and send them with match info
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Island02 AI camp improvements
7 Years Ago
- Biome colors, mat lib, TOD tweaks - Exposed scaling options for Resource views in editor
7 Years Ago
Replication problems.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Player input get reset at the end of replay playback
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Added state hash and state hash parity diagnostic values to do some divergence checking in replays while keeping file size down
7 Years Ago
Blog alternate view ctrl+s works on some forms (need some unification)
7 Years Ago
explosion debris can now be colour coded
7 Years Ago
decal motion vectors
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory progress
7 Years Ago
Floor/wall decals now get random scale and rotation
7 Years Ago
Fixed music not playing when restarting a replay
7 Years Ago
Fixed game state trigger not working
7 Years Ago
Added GPS for new map
7 Years Ago
Lighting strike tweaks
7 Years Ago
Client destroys all prefabs and non globals
7 Years Ago
Fixed combat
7 Years Ago
rocket paneling, thermal cloth, metal_panels_b generic textures
7 Years Ago
Fixed robot laser replay divergence
7 Years Ago
Removal of excess best combat ability selectors
7 Years Ago
Blog alternate view mode
7 Years Ago
More blackboard copy fuckery
7 Years Ago
▊ █▌▌▅▉▄ █▊▌▇▊▉
7 Years Ago
decals on tile walls
7 Years Ago
No comment
7 Years Ago
Fixed blackboard again
7 Years Ago
Fixed Blackboard.Copy not working. Removed stupid keystates thing Fixed PlayerController move commands being sent twice
7 Years Ago
changed the order of GetNeighbourTiles() to hopefully be N,E,S,W
7 Years Ago
DataAsset logging methods, debug string prefix cleanup Actions.SetCombatTarget uses Blackboard.Get, logs failure Replaced all external blackboard[] usage with .Get method
7 Years Ago
Made NetworkEntity inspector look nice.
7 Years Ago
moved scorch/decal stuff out of TileView and into new TileScorchDecals
7 Years Ago
Rocket factory prefabs / scene changes
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Moved sass generation to data Commit options
7 Years Ago
correct h2 usage Updated data Using commit options
7 Years Ago
updated burner attack to better match fx
7 Years Ago
fixed the logging
7 Years Ago
more dank logging (gwan)
7 Years Ago
Another indeterminism fix