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7 Years Ago
units go blue when cold
7 Years Ago
More work on being encumbered. It now has 3 stages and should apply stamina debuffs and movement debuffs accordingly.
7 Years Ago
missed a bit
7 Years Ago
atmos 40
7 Years Ago
WIP player platform colours (fucked)
7 Years Ago
vm crossbow source update
7 Years Ago
water triggers
7 Years Ago
▍ ▌▋▌▇▆▋▊█▌▊▊ ▋▊▊▌▇▋
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE ui match history
7 Years Ago
more mines, cliffs & vertical goodness
7 Years Ago
can right click on prefabs then copy ragdolls to them (like you can from the data tool)
7 Years Ago
added stuff to testmap
7 Years Ago
UI fuckery, shelter task
7 Years Ago
please fix thanks
7 Years Ago
Player name in death screen is the actual name on Steam (counteracts namespoofing) Don't include the entire friends list in the F7 hacker report player selection (less cluttered) Always put the most recent killer at the top of the F7 hacker report player selection
7 Years Ago
Newest matches appear at the top of history
7 Years Ago
swapped practice button for player profile
7 Years Ago
merged with main
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Created item defs and setup prefabs
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak scroll windows alignment
7 Years Ago
Fix for server speed setting in delivery mission
7 Years Ago
Emote stuff
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE adding scroll windows in the match history
7 Years Ago
improved bear sneak, removed human L and R locomotion anims
7 Years Ago
Moved things back
7 Years Ago
Fixed notifications UI widget not selecting units when clicked, disabled "jump to" for some activity types (pending new focus on location camera feature)
7 Years Ago
DispenserInteractionSettingsWrapper holds stat manipulators for TakeFromDispenser to apply Actually fixed stat manip copy/paste Skill usage data cleanup Lots of editor improvements
7 Years Ago
fbxs updated
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE fix arena frame
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE wip scroll stuff
7 Years Ago
Latest truck prefab Updated delivery mission to adjust speed for truck with package
7 Years Ago
Emote menu only triggers on your own avatar Centered the emote menu properly Accidentally made the arena frame fluorescent :(
7 Years Ago
furniture updated
7 Years Ago
Moved items into folders. Created test scene.
7 Years Ago
New canvas for emote stuff, merge
7 Years Ago
▅ ▇▄▄█ ▊▋ ▅ ▄▉▍▆▊▋▍▍▉ ▋▆▅
7 Years Ago
More emotes, changed cat names
7 Years Ago
Temp simulation is now slightly better and behaves more like we want I think (with respect to stamina change). ChangeSinceLastSimulation now inverts ChangeValue values, but that's specifically to the usage of Stamina with temperature simulation. Need to generalize it's application.
7 Years Ago
On simulate, we decrease the ChangeSinceLastSimulation by 10% of it's own value, or minimally 0.1f until its value is 0.
7 Years Ago
Fixed truck prefab Updated effects scene Removed truck from city scene
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE merge fix
7 Years Ago
Tweak to temp sim.
7 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE wip bubble speech
7 Years Ago
Emote system works!
7 Years Ago
Test stamina change for 0 value, as a minor optimization.
7 Years Ago
Decrement Vital.ChangeSinceLastSimulation over time, comments
7 Years Ago
TemperatureSimulator stamina bonus
7 Years Ago
Renamed VItal.ChangeSinceLastTick to ChangeSinceLastSimulation
7 Years Ago
Vital stores ChangeSinceLastTick, which is reset after simulators are executed