257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Failed leaderboard submissions get staggered out a bit better
▇▍▉▌█▇▋▉▆▇▅ ▋▍▅▆▊, ▍▄▋▇▆, █▍▊▆▉, ██▋▌▆
Big Fixes and stuff
Pallet materials fixed. (Too Shiny)
Added security Light.
Fixed streaming bug (player could unload a level by quickly moving back
and forth through a streaming trigger).
Added character specific lights for key areas (May code these to only
effect characters to improve performance later in the week).
Added an empty level to see if there is something specific to my levels
that Jenkins doesn't like or if Jenkins just hates me specifically.
update kill feed anim
tweak explosion decal
Analytics validation errors
CrashReport legacy
Data update
Connection string
CloseDeadSessions Update
Migrate Sessions
Kill feed entries stay visible for 30 up from 20 seconds before fading
Added description text to loading screen
Fixed an exception when playing offline
Fixed some more offline errors
Fixing compilation errors is fun when your editor isn't working
pushed league medal fix to steam cus it's crashing anyone in the top 10 now I'm gold 3
Terrain vertex normals keyword on material only; just making sure
Merge from weekend_branch_3
Launcher can no longer shoot through units
Flipper health 6->5, damage 3->4
play online button set to not interactable by default again
Server log now outputs winner's name when closing a game instance.
Better decal move markers
Some unit handling improvements
Drag select improvements
Capture point draw returns no winner, so game continues to DM isntead of a random winner.
Support attack tiles are now green
tentacle prereq ropes
wheel prereq ropes
Fix for player profile screen NRE when not connected
ui work and tweak text for names
Refactored exisitng freeze effect into a new StatusEffectsManager
Should be able to support more status effects going forward (poisoned/on fire/electrocuted/etc) and allows for status effects to be applied to non-character actors.
Added the manager to the spinning trap, so freeze grenades will now freeze it's movement for 10 seconds.
Remove ability to take over gang houses. Can still take over personal units.
each pixelgroup have diff prereq rope properties
Removed gang Founder references since they're created at startup now with no founder.
Fixed some fields not persisting in MachineProcessActionDesire
Set gang leader as owner on gang buildings
Gangs can exist with no leader now, some minor edits to support that
Game can no longer start until all players are assigned
Airstrike panel for RTS player
Abilities can call ShowTimer to show a countdown
Server/client fix for debug gang creation
Adding spawning in the new type of gang buildings
Gang buildings on testmap_smaller
Auto-create a debug gang and join it if there aren't any gangs, so test maps etc can still be used