256,234 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
Adjusted terrain anchors on the launch site
8 Years Ago
Adjusted terrain anchors on all monuments and caves (except launch site)
8 Years Ago
Rocket factory changed lift leading to the roof
8 Years Ago
Added console command: god_mode - pass true or false to enable/disable god mode. God mode stops player controlled units from dying (they can still take damage)
8 Years Ago
working on strafeboosting physicselements, boosting Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity bullet keyframe angle func Merge branch 'stage-async' Merge branch 'master' into stage-async
8 Years Ago
Terrain anchor improvements
8 Years Ago
Laser stage now loads asynchronously Wheel stage now loads asynchronously Mine stage now loads asynchronously
8 Years Ago
Fixed turbine colider
8 Years Ago
Made going down the crane more obvious
8 Years Ago
AI helper function to get a list of ordered unit damages for a provided list of attackers
8 Years Ago
Junkpiles only spawn next to roads and powerlines Junkpiles no longer align to the terrain normal
8 Years Ago
TerrainAnchorGenerator takes offset range
8 Years Ago
Increased riverside / roadside topology radius
8 Years Ago
working on strafeboosting physicselements, boosting Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity bullet keyframe angle func
8 Years Ago
Way down the rocket crane
8 Years Ago
break down of rocket_crane_floor_b removed some rods on rocket_crane_lift_shaft
8 Years Ago
Fixed intersection between rocket and scaffolding Fixed rocket factory trim colider Fixed invisible blockers Fixed support beam colision Fixed gaps in warehouses Fixed missing coliders on turbines Fixed modular pipes turning black Fixed portacabin stairs
8 Years Ago
UnitDmg now includes a ref to the attacking unit so it doesn't need to be tracked separetly in AI calcs. Renamed UnitDmg to UnitDmgInfo
8 Years Ago
Added checkpoint to airfield entrance
8 Years Ago
set up hands for data defined item holding posing
8 Years Ago
Include updated sessions in query Plastic hook queue Use queues for plasticscm hook
8 Years Ago
replaced lift to update prefab-id / scene2prefab
8 Years Ago
Launch site scene update / scene2prefab
8 Years Ago
rocket crane procedural lift prefab / manifest
8 Years Ago
perimeter wall decal mtl set to cutout
8 Years Ago
white pipes mtl tweaks
8 Years Ago
Update sessions with last seen
8 Years Ago
Two new console commands: fill_stockpile - fills whatever stockpile is under the mouse cursor with the appropriate item finish_build - finishes the construction process of whatever building is under the mouse cursor
8 Years Ago
tweak health bar unit shatter effect
8 Years Ago
kill feed tweak and some cleanup
8 Years Ago
Merging server performance work into Main
8 Years Ago
Improve server performance by ~30% by having NetworkEntities use an Update call manager. See also: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/12/23/1k-update-calls/
8 Years Ago
Vehicles fully deactivate on server when stationary. ~15% less CPU usage on testmap_small.
8 Years Ago
Tree force crap
8 Years Ago
More tree stuff
8 Years Ago
More dispenser spawn stuff
8 Years Ago
Editor fixes
8 Years Ago
Preliminary dispensable spawn mesh support
8 Years Ago
fixed ores sometimes not giving the bonus on completion fixed sand/snow ores not giving proper hqm yields
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
More tree crap
8 Years Ago
Added outdoor environment type (use when no darkening should be applied)
8 Years Ago
Added blend map and terrain anchors to launch site Enabled hierarchy flattening on launch site (performance)
8 Years Ago
Added terrain blend map support (when used monuments blend their heightmap with the blendmap falloff instead of the basic radial falloff)
8 Years Ago
TTT: Fixed disguiser hotkey spam (KP_ENTER) (#1383)
8 Years Ago
Scene Lighting Driftwood isn't wetter than the surrounding terrain
8 Years Ago
SatelliteUnit now loads asynchronously Can now rotate Pxcs before they load, Tentacle stage now loads asynchronously
8 Years Ago
AI emotes abuse
8 Years Ago
removed old fps counter
8 Years Ago
Compile fix