256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Removed duped code
Removed unused scenes
removed top and bottom from SPN_1
assets for new spawner system
Fix for RUST-1698 - Building / raiding outside of caves / Light well cap model now uses a collider
Fix for RUST-1694 - Double door at powerplant
Fix for RUST-1697 - Inaccessible loot spawn in military tunnel mines
re hooked up smoke mesh, lost due to unity crashing
Fixed shitty isStationary usage in the human animator, added UnitStationaryState stateMachineBehaviour
Cleaned up some Agent debug members
Estimated unique user count
Game Session graph works again
Estimated unique user count
Forest dead branch clutter collider shouldn't block movement anymore
Stone collectables and tree stump displace grass around themselves
Fixed possible NRE
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
Mae detail view RenderTexture 2k
made wood trunk item smaller
made pine tree spit out trunk instead of logs
Fixed SetDestination never ending
Tweaks for wind intensity on foliage (tall grass clusters, bushes)
Allow AI to path interior doors
added wip new trimmed truck, added wip window reflect shader and material, updated to newest unity
CLuaClass::Get only calls lua_type once
Allow open/close of interior doors, even if you don't own the building. Only outer doors are unusable (when closed) now.
New door nav system taking advantace of NavMeshLinks to replace non-carving obstacles that were there before. Major performance improvement. Also fixed a bug with door interaction text when two players were interacting with the door at once.
cursor nullref fix
fix bullet pushing
shorter player trail, tweaked player speed
added braking back to default player armor
debug text doesnt use TMPro
Smarter dynamic music clip loading/unloading (only load needed sections instead of whole songs at a time)
Sync improvements
Minor optimization & cleanup
Trying nav changes to improve door nav performance on servers. Doors using NavMeshLinks. Unfortunately NPCs can occasionally teleport through when they shouldn't.
Portacabin walkway LODs/COL/Prefabs
Pavement merge and vertex paint
Door rotation fixes
Fixed colision material on ground
Fixed vertex paint on ground LODs
Created placeholder loot placement
Don't need connection check on door interaction. Fixes NPCs not being able to interact with doors anymore.
Fixed DeletePages
Partition fix
Clear squad button works again
CommandBlock now gets cleared after it is sent (fixes my warning log, but nothing was broken)
Added TOD_ColorGrading thing to lerp some values between day and night
TOD profile, post tweaks