256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

8 Years Ago
SatelliteUnit now loads asynchronously Can now rotate Pxcs before they load, Tentacle stage now loads asynchronously
8 Years Ago
AI emotes abuse
8 Years Ago
removed old fps counter
8 Years Ago
Compile fix
8 Years Ago
Scene stuff Light tweaks.
8 Years Ago
move-attack AI now checks if the unit can actually move and attack :D fallback move AI option now picks random unit
8 Years Ago
WIP tree felling tech
8 Years Ago
adjust kill feed row spacing
8 Years Ago
new kill feed
8 Years Ago
Serialization fix
8 Years Ago
art stuff
8 Years Ago
LOD scripts take distance mode (XYZ or XZ) - useful for lifts
8 Years Ago
Robot stage now uses async loading
8 Years Ago
More UI work
8 Years Ago
Working on async stage loading - done for Octopus
8 Years Ago
Utility functions
8 Years Ago
Fixes Compile fix Analytics start
8 Years Ago
Split a bunch of editor bits into files, fixed some issues with reflection utill and caching of EntityComponent drawers
8 Years Ago
Baked more vertexpro bs to assets Launchsite scene update
8 Years Ago
Adjusting lift destination height
8 Years Ago
trimmed up beep truck rear, added finished window shader need to fix material issue on beep truck
8 Years Ago
launchsite lifts placement for test
8 Years Ago
Lift saves and loads the current floor
8 Years Ago
prefab, manifest
8 Years Ago
renamed a prefab
8 Years Ago
Lift prefabs, manifest
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Warehouse occluder Rocket factory occluder
8 Years Ago
More UI updates.
8 Years Ago
Fixed WorldManager.Load loading scenes multiple times Fixed an issue with weather loading Fixed some shitty init order stuff with World/Zones, needs more work tho
8 Years Ago
Added ProceduralLift (baseline for lifts that aren't animator-controlled and can have multiple stops)
8 Years Ago
hapis stuff
8 Years Ago
WorldManager.UnloadZones cleanup
8 Years Ago
EntityManager typo
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Cleaned up how we save and load zones/scene names (delete your saves) WIP Dispenser spawn modes WIP
8 Years Ago
Removed old webapi stuff
8 Years Ago
Launchsite scene2prefab
8 Years Ago
Fixed Zones ticking before they've been fully initialized
8 Years Ago
Additional warehouse LOD Support beam LOD/COL/Prefab Fixed door scaling Ground pipe hole LOD/COL/Prefab
8 Years Ago
Updated gang list ui
8 Years Ago
Reduced wind on creeping plants
8 Years Ago
Added TOD_ColorGrading
8 Years Ago
Web traffic graph
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed some missing script references in overgrowth_dressing (pending Scene2Prefab)
8 Years Ago
Fix (?) for unitview tag change when a unit kills itself Shitty placeholder code to get AI triggering stuff so I can start working on AI helper functions
8 Years Ago
Fixed missing scene reference