256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
SatelliteUnit now loads asynchronously
Can now rotate Pxcs before they load, Tentacle stage now loads asynchronously
Scene stuff
Light tweaks.
move-attack AI now checks if the unit can actually move and attack :D
fallback move AI option now picks random unit
adjust kill feed row spacing
LOD scripts take distance mode (XYZ or XZ) - useful for lifts
Robot stage now uses async loading
Working on async stage loading - done for Octopus
Compile fix
Analytics start
Split a bunch of editor bits into files, fixed some issues with reflection utill and caching of EntityComponent drawers
Baked more vertexpro bs to assets
Launchsite scene update
Adjusting lift destination height
trimmed up beep truck rear,
added finished window shader
need to fix material issue on beep truck
launchsite lifts placement for test
Lift saves and loads the current floor
Warehouse occluder
Rocket factory occluder
Fixed WorldManager.Load loading scenes multiple times
Fixed an issue with weather loading
Fixed some shitty init order stuff with World/Zones, needs more work tho
Added ProceduralLift (baseline for lifts that aren't animator-controlled and can have multiple stops)
WorldManager.UnloadZones cleanup
Cleaned up how we save and load zones/scene names (delete your saves) WIP
Dispenser spawn modes WIP
Fixed Zones ticking before they've been fully initialized
Additional warehouse LOD
Support beam LOD/COL/Prefab
Fixed door scaling
Ground pipe hole LOD/COL/Prefab
Reduced wind on creeping plants
Fixed some missing script references in overgrowth_dressing (pending Scene2Prefab)
Fix (?) for unitview tag change when a unit kills itself
Shitty placeholder code to get AI triggering stuff so I can start working on AI helper functions
Fixed missing scene reference