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Disabled ADS on homing missile launcher for this release
Merge Main -> Homing Missile Launcher
merge from ch47_protection
homing launcher durability tweaks
reduced scrap transport heli damage V antivehicle
cctv_manpad added (missing file)
cctv_manpad profile added
First draft of the launcher digital display, prefabbed like the AH cam.
Fixed mesh compression issues.
NVG overlay mask properly round instead of having four pinched corners.
merge from HomingMissileLauncher
merge from Attack Helicopter
Attack Helicopter menu background video
SeekerTarget NRE prevention
fix missing sounds on chinook (copied sound behavior from pre-refactor BaseHelicopterVehicle.cs to CH47Helicopter.cs)
attack heli flare sounds, rocket dryfire sound, rocket launch sound tweaks, and damaged fire sound position update
set up viewmodel prefab to use viewmodel renderer script, and set materials set up
3p launcher - updated positional offset & tweaked holstered position
Parachute backpack texture updates
Manpad rocket uses the new model and airburst explosion.
Further tweaks.
Update global_networked_bases/2021
further player anim skydiving updates
update to player skydiving anims
Moved the main rocket out of the launch group, which was causing premature FX killing on the Manpad rocket.
Drag adjustments for the updated lifetime.
Unparent on destroy timing fixes.
Added detail layer to parachute materiall
Regular rocket smoke lifetime tweaks.
Regular rockets engines don't cut out at its parabolic apex anymore, but keep running until the end -- for clarity purposes.
Sliightly darkened the smoke on them.
Manpad rocket trail tweak.
Timing, shader and clarity improvements/fixes for the manpad rocket and firing.
merge from global_networked_bases
87026 (--normal-rendering order change)
When both --instanced-rendering and --normal-rendering are set, keep instanced rendering on (this allows us to enable it for testing while it's disabled globally through Steam)