
116,328 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

1 Year Ago
Change List<> in PersistantObjectWorkQueue to ListHashset<> (incase many entities in the "queue" cause a slowdown) Iterate with the Array instead of ListHashSet[] because of comment claiming Array[] is 2x faster to iterate than List<> (in mono?)
1 Year Ago
Fixed being able to clear pings that are created by tutorial stages
1 Year Ago
More help videos/images Added extra supplies to hunt for food mission, prepare for combat and build kayak mission
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
1 Year Ago
A couple of very minor edits to buoyancy.cs
1 Year Ago
Make certain that we never shore drift RHIB on cargo ship
1 Year Ago
Don't do world edge repel on kinematic rigidbodies
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
1 Year Ago
Fixed corrupted block.stair.lshape.adobe building prefab. Rebuilt manifest with the prefab back in.
1 Year Ago
Serialize island timeout. Protobuf gen.
1 Year Ago
WIP island timeouts. Players have 15 minutes to reconnect before their tutorial island is returned and tutorial is cancelled. Reduce this time to 5 minutes if we're low on available islands. Added an island tick.
1 Year Ago
Finalized enabled prefab with lightex, sound loop, LODs and minor iterations.
1 Year Ago
Updated entrance prefab with dressing and lights Fixed some mesh errors
1 Year Ago
Don't allow the tech tree to be opened and make the button not interactable.
1 Year Ago
Don't allow contacts window to be opened if in the tutorial. Hide UI button for contacts if in the tutorial.
1 Year Ago
Train tunnel entrance mesh progress
1 Year Ago
Bass, cowbell, flute, guitar, jerry can guitar, tambourine, trumpet setup for weapon racks.
1 Year Ago
Removed global.vehicleDismountHoldTime convar Added more specific convars in it's place: groundVehicleDismountTime, flyingVehicleDismountTime, aquaticVehicleDismountTime and horseDismountTime Each convar controls how long it takes to dismount things to support scenarios like immediately dismounting cars but having a 0.5s delay when dismounting air or ocean vehicles Not every vehicle fit perfectly into a category, some notable decisions: -Workcarts, trains, sleds and snowmobiles are considered ground vehicles -Parachutes and ziplines are considered flying vehicles -Submarines, boogie boards and inner tubes are considered aqautic -A computer station is considered a flying vehicle if a drone is currently being controlled
1 Year Ago
Added support for highlighting a building block in the pie menu if the current tutorial stage requires it
1 Year Ago
Homing launcher now only sends a network tick if the current lock time has changed. Also fixes visual ADS glitch when switching weapons, unless currentLockTime is changing during weapon switch.
1 Year Ago
Show the button that opens the crafting menu next to any crafting objectives
1 Year Ago
More help videos
1 Year Ago
Fixed OnValidate RustText changes from last week throwing errors when opening prefabs with text in them
1 Year Ago
Re-enabled Homing Launcher ADS
1 Year Ago
Add some conversation text to explain the optional supplies box
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> HomingMissileLauncher
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
1 Year Ago
Added a slight offset to the maxDistance clamp, to make sure very small distances are handled OK
1 Year Ago
Merge Main -> Experimental
1 Year Ago
Speed up entity IsVisible test performance by capping maxDistance to the maximum of the distance between the two points
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Fixed tooltips that extend over the edge of the screen not getting properly offset to keep all the text on screen (likely broken in the emoji update)
1 Year Ago
No point having a maxDistance param on IsVisibleAndCanSee, with the way it casts both ways
1 Year Ago
Admin tools now also allow disabling the Performance Text UI
1 Year Ago
Add a button on the map view to toggle vending machine visibility (maps to client.ShowVendingMachinesOnMap) Convar is ignored on the death and marketplace screens
1 Year Ago
Optimize shotgun traps by using the TC of the shotgun trap instead of the player it is trying to shoot at Cache the TC for 3 seconds in shotgun trap (we still check auth normally)
1 Year Ago
Optimize turrets on the server by caching if there are any un-authed target in range & skip scanning targets if that is the case Mark auth as dirty when players are removed from auth or come into trigger range while unauthed Add Action onto TriggerBase for OnEntityEnterTrigger() and OnEntityLeaveTrigger()
1 Year Ago
WIP vertex paint for wind shader
1 Year Ago
Dracula cape lods Dracula cape no longer hides hair Material adjustments
1 Year Ago
Final torchholder enabled state. Blue bottomed atlas variant.
1 Year Ago
Updated skinning Proper burstcloth bone names
1 Year Ago
Torch flame & related files. Sorted duplicate ember files from a prior messy merge.
1 Year Ago
Major clean up in preparation for integration of accumulation-based DoF and AA
1 Year Ago
Merge from beltbar_text
1 Year Ago
Added ConVar.UI.showBeltBarBinds, defaults to false. Starting the tutorial defaults it to true.
1 Year Ago
Display actual keybind buttons bound for belt bar slots instead of just 1-6. Added Input.OnKeybindChanged event, called whenever a bind is changed. Belt buttons listen to keybind change event and update as required.
1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
Show keybind text for belt bar buttons
1 Year Ago
Added OnTutorialEnded RPC to player, ready to be called in the future. Clear local time override when tutorial ends/aborts for player.