256,231 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
New layout for create lobby page
[Hide] IsValid on Resource so that it doesn't show Is Valid tickbox in inspector for game resources
Merge from world_update_2
Fix obsoletes
Add DrawPath property to Navigator for debugging nav path.
Set CharacterController radius to half of NavMesh agent radius
Add GameMode.AllUnique
Only grab map defs where they're enabled, really should make an accessor for this
Restructure - DestroyAfterGame actually destroys the GameObject not the component
Start restyling map/mode selection
Leaderboard backup, run #
Added new SwapAmmoParticle class, same functionality as SwapAmmo on viewmodels but swaps a material on a particle effect
Applied to 3rd person reload effect on HCR, shells dropped will now have the correct material
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from world_update_2
Goofy Guard initial NPC setup
Fix the Leave Server button when not the host
Added Player List to Pause Menu
Fix entities casting light shadows
Quests are now claimed manually via the quests tab to get your rewards
Added Notification Icons to GameMenuTabs if there's something to do in that tab
GameNetworkSystem -> Networking
Fix ESC not closing popups in Main/Pause Menu
Added SFX/Notification for unlocking Skills
Fix disconnecting on server end, ensuring that if anyone stays behind for whatever reason it doesn't override their world with yours.
Added Permissions Tab to GameMenu if host. Created OnOffSwitch Panel
Fix WorldManager rebuilding the World every frame instead of when when dirty
Created PermissionData class, added to WorldData as GlobalPermissions and UserPermissions. Hooked up to PermissionsPanel
Implemented all the different permissions, falling back on global permissions when null.
Change entity item drops
Added more Food Items and Food Crafting Category
Added Item Upgrade System, along with different new tiers of Pickaxes
Further checks on waterball splash logic to prevent a splashing through foundation edge case
Merge from world_update_2
More culling volume fixes in cave_medium_hard
Add harvestable layer to F1 layer tools
Studio light projector backup
Offset fuckery
Decor genocide
Mild river speed flow tweak
pfx tweaks
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from world_update_2
Fixed most rocks in divesite_d double rendering
Another possible fix for no collisions on the divesite plane
add a little spice to the blunderbuss gunshot
re-linked divesite prefabs, cleanup of folders
Biome visuals for coastal and hill cliffs / they will no properly switch colors depending on the biome
Tweaked diffuse textures on all rocks and cliffs to get rid of the noise and unnatural curvature highlights
Tweaked detail map settings on all rocks to reduce repetition and noise
Tweaked LOD settings on coastal cliffs to prevent LOD popin when up-close
- Made the client actually know what a server queue is
- Added a number of editor tools for simulating / manipulating a server queue
- Updated localization function to support variable arguments for format
Merge from fix_monument_collider_cache_invalidation_2 -> main
Redo `fix_monument_collider_cache_invalidation` as merge was being difficult
Make buoys add a little force to the player when they stand on top
radioactive_water -> world_update_2
Increased buffer on water body physics check
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merge from runtime_profling_pooling -> main