116,227 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Grabbed relevant materials from
Enabled gpu instancing on a few hundred materials
Fixed and optimized volume bounds att calculation
Removed fog volume radial distance option; always true
Added fog volume edge bounds attenuation, smooth fade-out at vol sides
Fixed fog volume clipping to background
ocean paths are now optimized and smoothed
ocean paths now shrinkwrap to the island based on depth and distance from terrain
two ocean paths (near/far) are generated and cached at startup (TerrainMeta.path.Ocean*)
ocean pathfinding/coastline path generation wip
[d11] some tidying of previous commit, experimenting with Unity NetworkLater. Can be enabled one line 184 of Bootstrap.cs
WIP attempt to move to Unity's NetworkTransport LLAPI instead of Raknet. This will save us from having to update Raknet for console support (Xbox One support is out of date, Switch support is non existent). There are some differences between the libraries so this is experimental at the moment. Need to finish of QOS bindings, and a lot of it has ended up identical to the Raknet assembly so further refactoring might be worthwhile.
[D11] Properly guard client side code for console
[D11] Rollback
27719 due to crash on client console
Noise native entry point updates
Removed atmos volume global settings; only fade in/out of volumes now
Moved fadeout duration to atmos volumes
Added fog clipping outside atmos volumes (edge attenuation coming next)
Moved OBB shader testing code to own cginc
Updated main camera prefab
Fixed occasional ConsoleUI-related NRE in edit-mode
Play mode skip fog volume fade when sleeping to handle spawn inside/outside
Edit mode skip fog volume fade on startup / entering edit-view
rhib fuel/engine functionality
rhib editor collision fixes
Switched to scene camera activating fog, instead of main
Fixed dredge rotation in bandit town
Rolling back
27718 due to scene crash (unity_2018.2.0)
[D11] Merged with main branch for Unity 2018.2.0f2
Merge from unity_2018.2.0
Swamps a, b, c fog settings
fixed swamp trees incorrectly baked imposters
bandit town biome mask transfer tweaks
swamps biome mask transfer tweaks
Added new door
Various visual tweaks to the fog
Fixed chair pivots
Fixed dredge mesh and colliders
alternative red door for bandit town
27668 due to regressions (might have to look into a different workaround)
[D11] More controller support for console - wip
Wooden chairs prefabs/LOD/col
swamps sulfur spawners, new fog script added to scenes
Added dead log spawners to swamps for wood
swamp hero trees final models/colliders/prefab setup + billboards
Changed fog volume renderer default mode to exp; updated main camera prefab
Bandit town painted building topology